Busy? STOP and be Still

When life gets really busy, we can lose our joy and our peace of mind. Our thinking and our bodies can get locked on fast forward so we barely take time to breathe.


We all have a need for balance. If we want peace, joy and health, we’ll take time for rest and stillness. We’ll own our power to say ‘no’ to some activities and demands to give ourselves space to recover our energy and sanity.

We benefit so much when we build a regular routine of meditating, praying and/or resting. In silence and solitude, we can relax. We have a chance to pay attention to what’s happening inside rather than outside.

When we do this consistently, we begin to carry our relaxation out into the world. More content with ourselves, we’re also more patient with others.

Just can’t make the time for meditation? Well, even with a crazy schedule, we can consciously slow the pace. Discover the gifts of being present.

STOP for just a moment to

  • take a few deep breaths.
  • quiet your mind.
  • focus on what you want.
  • be in nature.
  • be grateful for something.

Even the busiest times can be rich with peace and joy if we stay present and connected to our hearts. Quiet reflection brings about right perspectives.

How can you make time for stillness each day and each week? Commit to give yourself quiet time, relaxation and stillness daily, even if it’s only for 5 or 10 minutes.

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