STOP and be touched by life

Life wants to share with us its miracles, awe, peace, flow and joy.  But first we must drop our defences, dramas, coping methods, avoidance habits, resistances, judging, blaming, manipulating, self centeredness and the list goes on and on. For a list of over 100 ways we isolate ourselves from life …

STOP and feel what you FEEL

Emotions are energy in motion. They bring us information if we are willing to experience them. Unfortunately, many of us are afraid of the energy of emotions and so we automatically resist them. And when we refuse to experience our emotions, we block them up. They become trapped and that …

STOP and consciously breathe

Breath links the inner and outer worlds. How do you feel now? Then take a deep in breath into your diaphragm for 5 seconds and let it out slowly for 7 seconds. Do this 3 times.  – OOOOHH that feels good. Deep breathe many times per day to fully relax. …

STOP and feel happy

You are in control of your own feelings and feeling great, positive, happy and excited is very healing and uplifting. Smile right now! Feel your whole face smile. Feel your whole upper body in a energetic, vital and happy way. Is it working? What do you feel? That is why …

STOP and awaken your senses

Pick a few of the following exercises and do them. • Close your eyes and count the number of different birdcalls you hear. • Do taste and smell tests while blindfolded. • Feel different textures in your surroundings. • Scan your body head to toe and sense areas of tension. …

STOP and feel your body wisdom

Sit quietly, and imagine yourself doing something you DETEST. Be aware of your breathing, your muscles, your overall body energy. Now take a few deep breaths and imagine yourself doing something you LOVE. How is your breathing, your muscles and your physical energy different? Do you feel a restriction in …

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