Make time every day for those little golden nuggets

“Good habits are as easy to form as bad ones.”
~ Tim Mccarver ~

You strike gold with journaling! So many people claim their biggest insights, clarity and healing come from their personal writing. Nonetheless, it’s easy to forget this powerful tool. So often, we only call on it as a last resort when we are in crisis — because it works!

Journaling gives the highest payback when we do it consistently. I recently completed a 31 day writing program. Given some topics and perspectives, I wrote for one hour EVERY morning. I was amazed at the volume, quality, potential, creativity and expansiveness of the ideas that arose.

Honestly, the hardest thing about journaling is getting started. Protecting a certain time each day helps build a good practice. When might work best for you?

  • First thing in the morning
  • last thing at night
  • during coffee breaks
  • before or after a meal
  • after each meeting
  • during commute time
  • when in nature
  • while waiting for appointments …

Technology even makes it possible to journal without pen and paper. I just bought my first cell phone – a smart phone. I can speak into it at any time and magically, my information immediately goes onto a cloud (a virtual storage device somewhere) and ends up in a file on my computer at home, ready for my review. Amazing!

Once you have committed to a certain time for writing, get creative in setting up triggers to remind you of your journaling session. Set an alarm. Block it off in your calendar or day planner. Have an auto-responder email you daily. Convince yourself that you only get lunch once you finish 10 minutes of writing. Create a pact with a family member or buddy to remind and support you daily. Book a writing day or retreat every 1 or 3 or 6 months.

There are lots of possibilities! So please, make the time and take the time. Let Higher Awareness guide you in unlocking your potentials. Your life is worth it.

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