
Do you have a message to share with others?

  • Feel a deep urge to clarify and share
    your unique message to the world…
  • Love personal growth and want to earn
    some money in this field…
  • Would like ideas on how to create
    multiple income streams …
  • Would content made available to you …

Better yet, would you like my ongoing support?

Then I would love to work with you and turn
your dream into reality. To personally coach
you in designing your ideal workshop.

For over 12 years, I (John) have been training and
supporting hundreds of facilitators to find their
unique niche, create their ideal personal
development programs and present and market
them effectively.

Their motives varied considerably from:

  • just finding and supporting their own inner,
    passion and growth,
  • sharing their wisdom with friends or small
  • complementing their coaching service, or
  • creating a profitable facilitator service – through
    the Internet or live.

This year, 2014, I have completed:

  • upgrades to our facilitation and marketing
  • offering a facilitator group for sharing and
  • a certification option,
  • an in-depth “Find your Passion and Niche
    in Life” workbook,
  • a new “A Virtual, Automated,
    Residual Business Model” booklet, and
  • content options for your website and service.

We have charged the same, very reasonable price for
the last 12 years, but on January 1, 2015, the price of
Higher Awareness’s Facilitator Training Program
will be increasing.

I would be honoured to support you in finding your
unique niche and passion, and creating, sharing
and marketing your own programs, live or
through the Internet.

Before I started, in one year
I had over 1000 adults through my living
room taking journaling, creativity, personal
growth, intuition development and life purpose
workshops. I would like to show you how to do that.

I will also help you explore other ways of
marketing your business and creating multiple
income streams.

We are only limited by our own thinking. I look
forward to helping you break out of that box.

For great savings, click the link below for
more information and to take your first steps
to a more fulfilling future.

If you have questions, please email John at
OR call me on my too free umber

At your service,

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