Synchronize with Nature – Spring into Action

“In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy.” — William Blake Are you sensing these 4 similar energies urging you on? How in touch are you with the rhythms of nature and our planet? 1. We just passed the Equinox on March 20, one of two dates each …

The NINE Energy of Completion and Regeneration

“I prefer to consider the future in terms of the ideal, wherein all people act sanely and with judgment and decency.” – Isaac Asimov We are now in the year’s final 42 day NINE energy cycle. As a reminder we just completed the EIGHT energy of power, magnanimity, manifesting, compassionate leadership, success, …

The cycles within cycles

“All motion is cyclic. It circulates to the limits of its possibilities and then returns to its starting point.” — Robert Collier Cycles influence everything, including new relationships, projects, meetings, habits and how we manifest what we want. Our last email on cycles outlined the new perspectives required to shift …

Align with the energies of natural cycles and The ONE Energy

“We trust nature to know what it is doing… Can we not trust that the very same forces that created the rhythms and cycles of nature created our own? Of course we can.” — Jeffrey R. Anderson There is a fundamental law: Everything in life is governed by cycles. Every …