Unlock hidden parts of yourself

Our lives are like icebergs with so little truth and beauty of who we are exposed. Below the water line is a deeper reality of who we are. A reality of clear purpose, authenticity, unconditional love and new potentials. A reality that can transform our fears, compulsions, insecurities and emptiness …

Continually ask yourself ‘Why?’

In our drive to understand the truth of who we are, we gain much by asking ‘why?’ With any situation in life, we can ponder, “What does this mean?” This questioning automatically leads us to the level of soul. Why are we thinking, feeling and doing what we are in …

It is Wake Up Time!

“Spirituality means waking up. Most people, even though they don’t know it, are asleep.” – Anthony de Mello What does it mean to ‘wake up’ spiritually? To wake up is to become conscious. Soul is who we are as consciousness, yet we live so much of our lives unconsciously. We …

Let go of your desire for self-improvement.

Many of us are walking the spiritual path with a longing to be better people and to live more peaceful and harmonious lives. We think we’re not yet good enough somehow. We long to banish our particular demons. We dream of a life when we can be as good, strong …

Do you meditate?

“All man’s miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone.” — Blaise Pascal The practice of meditation is essential for those who wish to connect with their souls. It calms our minds and makes it easier for us to pay attention to the reality around …

Losing the Soul Connection

We experience soul when we open to life – when we stop and become conscious of what is happening. We lose soul with: – Resistance – to anyone or anything – Superficiality – we skim the surface of experience, and do not seek depth – Control – we try to …

Develop and Express Soul Consciousness

Live the journey to wholeness when you take The Soul Journey. This program is loaded with perspectives, processes and questions to support your soul integration toward unconditional love, compassion and courage to live a life of meaning and purpose. Clarify how soul works through you daily. Explore: 9 steps to …

Explore and Heal the Personality

Use all tensions as catalysts for growth. Some things need to be done on the personality level of identity before The Soul Journey can be fully entered. Certain personal issues will be explored from a soul perspective rather than from the more common personality perspective to reveal the necessity for …

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