Growth Tools - Practical tools for meaningful growth

The Power of Stillness

“Keep quiet. Do your work in the world, but inwardly keep quiet. Then all will come to you.”
-- Nisaragada Ha Maharaj

Searching for your life purpose?

Consider Eckhart Tolle’s advice: Don’t ask what you are to do in life. Instead, ask “What does Life want from me?”

And then be still (and patient!) to await your inspiration.

When we seek to know our life purpose, we’re looking for a new perspective on who we are and what we have to offer. This won’t arise from our habitual thinking. Tolle says that true originality arises from consciousness, in the gaps between the thoughts.

We access higher consciousness through stillness and awareness. When we exercise the discipline to bring short periods of stillness into our busy lives, we build a new relationship with our minds and our bodies.

We find a new doorway to discover who we really are beneath the conditioned thoughts and behaviours that govern our lives when we are not fully present to the moment.

Therein lies the power of meditation. When we commit to a meditation practice, we say to Life: “I’m open to living from a deeper, more authentic level.”

We don’t have to have a meditation practice to experience being still, of course. At the same time, the commitment to meditate does help us remember to take time each day to do it.

“In the sweet territory of silence we touch the mystery. It’s the place of reflection and contemplation, and it’s the place where we can connect with the deep knowing, to the deep wisdom way.”
-- Angeles Arrien

*Tolle’s words are drawn from the first session of Oprah’s online class on The New Earth

Learn Meditation Methods email program - Explore the right type that works for you.
Finding Life Purpose Workbook - Become your true self

A Reminder
Any time micro Re-Treat Yourself Process – Reap the benefits of awareness pauses.

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John & Patrice Robson
John & Patrice
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