The spiritual path of opposites leads us to wholeness.

Many of us turn to the spiritual path for relief from our pain. We hope spirituality will save us from our fears, bad habits, insecurities and disillusionments. We want an idyllic world where we’re always safe and happy. But this doesn’t work. Our personality’s desire to achieve pleasure and avoid …

Healing Energies for Spiritual Development

Explore bringing the higher and lower together in ordinary everyday situations. For example, if you’re tired and hungry, connect with the discomfort of your personality. Then connect with the soul’s appreciation of all experiences of life. You may also want to explore over time the following emotional reactions and typical …

Integrating dualities for spiritual growth

If it doesn’t work to ignore, deny or avoid the negatives in our lives, how do we deal with them? We can transform our suffering by integrating our lower experiences with higher spiritual energies. Here’s the process to follow: 1. Acknowledge your discomfort with the present situation. Really feel your …

Honor being touched by life

When you are hit emotional turbulence, process it. Life has touched you and affected you for a reason. Do not withdraw, repress, get angry and fight back. Seek some quiet time to be with it, accept the feelings, identify with them, watch them, step back and let them be what …

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