Track how you are spending your money

“The person who doesn’t know where his next dollar is coming from usually doesn’t know where his last dollar went.” — Source Unknown   Have you started to keep track of every coin you spend? Do you know where your money goes each month? This vital exercise helps us gain control of …


Almost all of us today are breaking a fundamental law

Cooped up, overwhelmed, depressed, stuck, under pressure? You are probably breaking one of the fundamental laws of life – balance. Life is equally made up of the yin and yang – that is 50% of yang time – doing, action, willpower, creating, expanding and courage. Compare this to the underutilized …


What is your guiding light?

Do you have a clear direction, vision, mission, goals, philosophy, life focus, …? Or do you meander down the crooked stream path as life bounces you around? Having some direction in life greatly aids our ability to make decisions, be more creative, have more energy, attract more opportunities, be more …

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