Expand BASIC Awareness
into HIGHER Awareness!

And Why you MUST
Know the Difference!  


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Write your life story and make sense of life changes

Discover more about yourself and your evolving potential
with our online workbook that will show you
how to write your story.

life story writing

Reflect on your life story...

Have you ever really examined the story of your life?

What primary plots have threaded their way through the years?

What's the bigger picture of the many pieces that have interlocked so far?

Hi. We're John and Patrice Robson and we welcome you to Higher Awareness.

Mark Rutherford has said, "A true knowledge of ourselves is knowledge of our power."

With our online workbook, we invite you to learn how to write your life story so you glimpse deeper meanings about who you are and why you're here. You will receive:

  • 10 easy-to-use self understanding tools to lay the groundwork for your own short auto-biography
  • Guidance in creating a history map
  • 5 important questions to own your life
  • 9 approaches to writing your life story
  • 22 tips for creating your writing strategy
  • 5 writing tools to add more depth and interest

This process of self-discovery can powerfully bring you meaning and ownership to the story of your life. It will help you identify your life themes and clarify your life purpose and direction.

"The true profession of man is to find his way to himself."

-- Hermann Hesse

I've been a member of Higher Awareness for a couple of months now. I discovered your website at a time in life when I needed to find that light at the end of the tunnel. I am so thankful I joined. I've learned so much about myself. This program works for me and I feel really good about it and myself. I'm learning to be more accepting of myself, which has always been my biggest block.

~ JM ~

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