
This is one of the most powerful websites I have ever seen. Please continue to
help the people of this planet wake up. I believe you are being inspired by spirit.
Thank you for being obedient.
~ CB ~

Excellence and Clarity are the words that begin to describe what
I see in your writing and in the services you offer -- and SO much is offered;
it's strong. ... your work stands out in contrast to anything I've seen on the
~ DM ~

I am a Chartered Psychologist and psychic. Your site is the most
organized, helpful and constructive aid to self-development I have found to date.
Thank you for being there!
~ AS ~

Your approach is right on target for me. After years of this psychology,
that philosophy, I've landed at [your] approach that combines spirituality and
cognitive psychology. ... hopefully [this] is a growing state of awareness that
is catching on worldwide. I believe it is. THX.
~ PN ~

I love your mailings and of the hundreds of things I receive, these
are things I always read, never just delete. I am someone who needs these reminders
and often, these days, am brought back to some level of sanity and faith. Thank
you, again.
~ A ~

Please keep sending. It feels good to have someone clearing the
dark and confused path that we are walking in today's world.
~ R ~

A quick message to let you all know how worthwhile and valuable
this series is to me. Direct, informative, and diverse.... the information is
applicable on many different levels with wonderful opportunities for understanding
ourselves and others and recognizing the spiritual and emotional connection we
all share.
~ BC ~
-- Back to Testimonial Index--
Right Answers, Right Timing

Where did you learn to do this?? Every morning I come to work to
find my mind still buzzing from the confusion of the situations of my life &
each day (or second at least) you send me an email that explains it & how I should
deal with it. Your emails have been invaluable... & I thank you.
~ GB ~

My ‘journey to empowerment", thanks to your emails, have provided
the consistency I need to remain focused on my goals. For that I'm sooo very grateful.
I love the connection that you and I have, reading almost all of the emails that
you send and feel that you're very much part of my personal empowerment.
~ SP ~

This site has been amazing, it gave me the right response to my feelings and the answers I needed at the time.
~ KH ~

I just love these. It seems like every time you send one of these to me, it is just where I AM at in life. Thank you so very much.
~ A ~

The issue I received today contains the perfect match and words for the times I am currently experiencing. Is it just by chance?
~ AC ~

All your emails are wonderful and I can actually relate them to my present situation. It's seriously always helpful. Thank you.
~ BC ~

I have been receiving your higher awareness e-mails for about a year now. I love reading them, and have saved them all in a folder. I have appreciated each piece of wisdom they contain, many of which have come at just the right timing for me, often directly correlating with something in my life.
~ CD ~

Receiving Higher Awareness daily the messages seem to have been written directly for me and in my spiritual growth they also seem perfectly timed. I am currently in a small local group but would be interested at some point to write about my journey. Thank you so very much
~ T ~

In so much Gratitude, Thank you, for sharing both your journeys and lovely quotes, on Higher Awareness, I enjoy them, and, most times they are so perfectly received, the notifications, divinely designed, and aligned.
~ AD ~

Thanks so much. Every single one of the word of encouragement you guys sent, really actually happens in my life. How did your guys know all this? Can you tell me the secret, please?
~ SP ~

You are like church to me...some days I literally think you wrote what you wrote to speak directly to my heart addressing exactly what I was going through the day before.
~ LB ~

Thank you for being a divine messenger! This is exactly what I needed to be reminded of today!!
~ EB ~

Thanks. This is inspirational, practical and timely. This message was so synchronous, felt to respond, at that time. Deep gratitude for the love and works you and your wife put into the world. Blessings!
~ AD ~
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New Perspective, New Insights

Want you to know just how much I appreciate and enjoy the Inner Journey emails I receive. They help me in getting to know 'me', and widen my perspective and enrich my journey. Thank you so much.
~ JE ~

Awesome news! YOU have made more of a difference in my life than ANY other source. But it seems like so many of these things now PALE in comparison to
saving this planet for my grandchildren! I can't focus on anything else!
~ G ~

I am forever grateful to have subscribed to Higher Awareness. I do not have words to express my joy - God bless you. These articles will bring out the best in me as I make a change to all young girls I will interact with here in Kenya, and who knows
I might go global.
~ LW ~
-- Back to Testimonial Index--
Inspiration, Motivation

This is one of the most powerful websites I have ever seen. Please continue to help the people of this planet wake up. I believe you are being inspired by spirit. Thank you for being obedient.
~ CB ~

it has been a pleasure to read your writings. They are quite guiding and inspiring. Thanks for the support and you are doing a great job. :)
~ PK ~

Thank you for creating these wonderful programs for us. Also thank you for the Inner Journey periodical e-mails, I read them all, they are very uplifting and like a vitamin for the soul! Thank you again and wish you good luck with the new directions!!
~ ~

Thank you very much for a comprehensive, mind-boggling and demystifying Inner Journey... I now think I have risen above the problems of life, and am being changed to my true nature... Without these resources, I would have been but a morally bankrupt person.
~ MK ~

I was struggling both personally and professionally and felt very much alone. Over time these daily emails became my saving grace. As so often happens when one is moving forward on their personal journey, Higher Awareness provided exactly what I needed that day in that moment. So many times these daily inspirational readings brought me out of the depths of despair. I thank John and Patrice Robson for providing this life changing tool which I still use today.
~ LM ~

Wonderful message, wonderful job you're doing, have a wonderful year! And thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with all of us. It is helpful, enlightening and works with a little bit effort every day and a lot of patience.
~ JS ~
-- Back to Testimonial Index--
I've been receiving your free newsletter emails, and I just want to tell you that I think it is one of the best things I've seen on the Internet or elsewhere. We have lots to do to spread this word and I sincerely applaud not only the work you do but also the clarity of the message.
~ LD ~

Congratulations, the new version of your newsletter is great: You found the formula to condense your message without loosing content.
~ MD ~

spiritually fulfilling - I really enjoy higher awareness. Very helpful, concise and spiritually fulfilling
~ PM ~

I just want to thank you for your great work! You have such an amazing mind, everything you send makes so much sense.
~ CA ~
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The look of the newsletter is calming and gentle. Just what I need! I can't
tell you how this newsletter has helped at certain moments in my week. It
helps to ground me and make me realize what is important. Thanks for the
good work that you do.
~ GA ~

I've been enjoying your quotes for some years now (from Melbourne,
Australia) and just wanted to say Thank You! - for following your calling,
sharing your wisdom and offering it with generosity and consistency. It's
amazing how many times your message has popped-up on my phone with just the
information I need to read at that moment in time. Anyway, I just wanted to
tell you that it does make a huge difference and that I appreciate it.
Please let me know if you are ever in Australia as I would love to meet you
both in person; to meet the people behind the messages.
~ MP ~
-- Back to Testimonial Index--

I've been subscribing for several years and continually find the material you offer to be helpful, significant, supportive. . . just a quick note to say I do like your new format! It's appealing visually, concise without compromise on quality of content. THANK YOU! You continue to inspire me!
~ SG ~

I'm just so amazed by all that I'm learning & becoming. Personal development has always been important. Next to breathing, now it's become my main focus in life. Knowing, and learning the truth about who I am, has restored my self confidence and self awareness at a level it was never at. Before, I didn't always know that I could trust my intuition, nor my innate abilities.
~ CT ~

You and John have helped me so much. I would read your daily, weekly, whatever, they were, and it was my lifeline. You had built such trust with me that I signed up. Thank you for all of the value you've added to my life.
~ HC ~

thank you, John. I've always appreciated your support and sense of mission. This latest communication resonated with me - transformation is in the air!
~ JT ~

I just wanted to let you know that these messages you send out are a real gift to the world.
~ DA ~
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I have been a subscriber of Higher Awareness for a few years now. I always liked the gentle -but profound- touches of awareness it brought to me; like a soft tap on the shoulder that takes your attention to something worth listening to in the middle of the mayhem and hopefully- resetting the focus of my mind :) Recently though, I am noticing a new element in what I read: "tips", concrete examples, on how to translate into my daily life these beautiful touches of awareness. I find them extremely helpful to really embody the spiritual teachings of Higher Awareness. Thank you.
~ NS ~

I am looking for ways of evolving into a more spiritual and positive person and helping as many people as I can in improving their lives. How can one achieve higher levels of spirituality.
~ AP ~

I just wanted to let you know that there have been times when I
have really felt down; more often than not, due to my own negative thoughts..
and countless times, your emails have helped to empower me.. It is really a
wonderful feeling.. Thank you for your emails.
~ SS ~

John, I have been receiving Higher Awareness emails for several years. I look forward to the enlightenment shared in their message. I don't know what lined up for me in 2018 but I felt it was my "banner year". 2019 has started much slower and with tears as I had to put my precious cat of 16 years down on Jan. 2. It has proved to not be the way to kick off the new year. I seem to be down in spirit and sensability ever since. I need to bring more positive light into my thinking.
~ L ~

I really do appreciate your email newsletter. In fact itÕs the one that I actually wait for every day. You may or may not be aware that your newsletter is more like nourishment for the mind & soul.
~ HH ~

The email messages are always great & in all the years I have been receiving them, I have never received unsolicited mail. They operate with the highest integrity
~ JG ~
-- Back to Testimonial Index--

love your Inner Journey emails! In lieu of any organized religion (to which
I'm basically averse), your messages fill a spiritual gap for me. Keep them
~ SF ~

I just wanted to thank you again ~ I absolutely LOVE your work.
I look forward every time I receive one of your emails to the ‘gift’ inside . . .
they speak to my soul! Thank you for this nourishment. Blessings
~ GW ~
-- Back to Testimonial Index--

thought you'd like to know that the IAMP program was a great success for me.
So many wonderful and amazing changes occurred this past year. Not only did
I achieve my biggest immediate goal of clearing away the paper clutter in my
work area, but I also was surprised how many of my long term goals came
true. Things I thought would take years to accomplish. I moved out to the
country, I got to travel, I found love with an ideal partner, and other
~ ~

dashboard is brilliant. Love its efficiency and quick clarity. For quick
clarity and focus throughout the day.
~ JL ~

The personal dashboard is amazing and I have enjoyed completing it very
much-I also appreciate the messages and the coffee break reminder. I am
going to go ahead and complete the worksheet now.
~ DM ~
-- Back to Testimonial Index--

I would like to compliment a job well done on all your newsletters. Your newsletters are one of the few BETTER ones I have read in the past couple of months compared to some of the other spiritual new age themes. Keep up the good work!
~ MK ~

The quotes are very good and illustrate the concept of genius....the ability to take a complicated subject and express it in simple, easy to understand language.
~ DC ~

I've been receiving your Free Newsletter for a few months now. I think it's very well done, and I look forward to reading it everyday. The quotes you choose are always insightful, yet practical, and the synopsis of the topic, I assume written by you guys, is very useful as well.
~ BK ~

Quality, Brevity Your Inner Journey emails are great! The quality and brevity make them a very welcome daily arrival. Always interesting and unusual quotes and ideas. They have given me a very favourable impression of Higher Awareness too. So nice to see Canadians succeed in this field. There is such a need. I wish you every success!
~ WT ~

At 79 years of age, my life has grown so much through the years. Reading the inspirational words, acting upon them, has increased my spiritual soul. A positive attitude with the understanding that love is needed to be shared, given with no expectations of self.
~ ~

Hi to you both! I hope this email finds you happy and well....my journey has been so greatly helped with your inspirational guidance. Thank you so much for all shared wisdom and amazing quotations. With thanks and kind regards.
~ YP ~

Yes, I totally agree with you about the importance of journaling.
I have been doing so daily for the past 30 years of my life and honestly I would
still not know myself as well as I do now if it were not for Higher Awareness
teaching me the correct way of journaling (the past ten years) that has made me
experience tremendous personal growth and awareness and eventually experience
going deeper into soul consciousness. Thank you . Love and blessings!
~ JT ~
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really like the daily emails. They are short and sweet with great content
that is both educational and uplifting. I also like the quotes. Daily is
good for me!
~ SB ~

Thank you so much. I'm a therapist and I use this information with my
clients on a daily basis. They love it, and so do I. God bless you both.
~ LM ~