Expand BASIC Awareness
into HIGHER Awareness!

And Why you MUST
Know the Difference!  


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Journal writing ideas, topics & prompts
will draw out your inner wisdom

Go deeper into your own truth...
Reach higher and live more of your potential.
Discover the power of journaling writing ideas & topics
to help you reach new levels of self awareness and self trust.

Discover how to do life your way with our

Journaling for Self Empowerment e-book!

how to journal write

Welcome to Higher Awareness. I'm John Robson, and I can honestly say that I owe my success in life to journal writing. My life changed one magical day when I first learned about Smart Questions. When I ask myself Smart Questions, I find I always know the answers to the questions of my life.

My success with Smart Questions sparked my interest in other journaling tools and topics. And I've never looked back. In fact, I was so impressed by journaling as a personal growth tool that I became certified as a journaling facilitator.

In my first year of offering journal writing workshops, I helped more than 1000 people think in different ways. In each class I saw people come alive with big insights - their own inner wisdom revealing itself!

When we look to others for advice, we get drawn down their path. What's right for them is not best for us. That's why so many of us feel so stressed, lost, confused, unsatisfied and unhappy.

To find our own way, we need to look inside. We need to find our own answers to make sense of our lives. And our 'Journaling for Self Empowerment' e-book can show you how to do that.

Build a whole new relationship with yourself!

Journaling brings us home to ourselves. When we shut out other voices, we gain clarity about who we really are and what we really want. With journaling, we find our power, our focus and our passion.

In this 'Journaling for Self Empowerment' e-book, you'll discover:

  • Why journal writing is such a powerful growth tool - Learn how journaling gets your conscious and subconscious minds working for you rather than against you. Say good-bye to self-sabotage!

  • The 4 key steps that bring miracles - Master the 4 simple but essential steps that unlock the magic of journaling. Get the most value from every journaling session so you can draw out your own inner wisdom any time you are lost, confused or distressed. Also, learn how to write a journal that's absolutely perfect for you.

  • Go deeper ... Reach higher ... - Explore the depths of your authentic self to release the fears, limiting beliefs and pains that hold you back from being the best you can be. Reach higher to unlock your passion for living and your courage and commitment to go for what you most want in life. The e-book is chock full of powerful exercises.

  • A complete journal writing toolbox - 50 different journaling tools from logical, left-brain tools to intuitive, right-brain tools to enrich your journaling experience. Tools to break through 3 paradigms that block your present and future growth.

  • An essential reference guide - You'll see how easy it is to choose exactly the right tool for every need so you can track results, create awareness, develop creativity and imagination, and gain clarity and peace of mind.

Get so much more out of life. Know and grow yourself with the magic of journaling!

Journal Writing + Intention = Empowerment!

Most people who journal simply write down their thoughts and feelings. And this is helpful-to a degree.

But so much more is possible when we bring intention to the vast powers of our conscious and subconscious minds.

So much more is possible when we purposefully invite the wise voice of intuition to speak through our writing.

4 simple steps will magnify your results

There really aren't any rules for journaling. But I've found that following 4 simple tips will dramatically increase your results. I'll show you how to:

  • Set the stage for maximum results - Create an ideal environment, attitude and conscious intention to get maximum value from each journaling session.

  • Prime the subconscious, so it reveals its programming more easily and with greater clarity. And remember: clarity is power!

  • Break free of your habitual writing patterns so you open to greater intuition - the wise voice that knows the way.

  • Discover ways to read between the lines of your journal writing, so you can draw more meaning and insights.

  • Use simple techniques to activate your right brain and dramatically stimulate your creativity.

  • Set up a journaling system - on paper or computer - that fits your style perfectly.

Journal writing teaches us how we think, create, learn and intuit. It helps us break through habitual patterns to discover our innate creative genius.

When you know you have answers, ideas and guidance at your finger tips, you'll be empowered to take charge. You'll no longer be a puppet simply reacting to what life brings to you. You'll marvel at the thrill of doing life your way!

AND - We just recently updated the Journaling Book.

As humanity evolves, many people are becoming more aware of the need for new ways of thinking and raising consciousness. With that in mind we have made numerous changes to this 'Journaling for Self Empowerment 'book:

  • Added 10 new journaling tools for new ways of thinking

  • An explanation of four common journaling styles

  • More technology options that apply to your journal writing

  • A few more images and new formatting for easier readability

  • Specific tools for pole vaulting Paradigms as you shift working with the personality, soul and spirit

  • More references to your own relative growth as opposed to a more idealistic spiritual approach.

So - how much does it cost to become more calm, clear, creative,

caring, connected and conscious?

Higher Awareness is a membership site. You not only get the Journaling e-book, you also get access to EVERYTHING else we offer on the site.

Yes - receive access to over 250 of Higher Awareness's know and grow yourself guidance, workbooks, worksheets and resources for a low monthly fee or invest in yourself and save as a yearly or life member! You can cancel at any time.

Click here for full Access

Honestly, we can say that all of the offerings on Higher Awareness support journal writing. But in particular, in addition to the Journaling for Self Empowerment e-book, as a member, you'll have free access to these additional journal writing resources and more:

  • Creative Thinking Online Workbook - Find more ways to get what you want. Tap the incredible creative capacity of your mind. One tip alone will triple your creativity. Learn 10 easy lateral thinking and creativity exercises and techniques. Comes with 30 days of support emails.

  • Smart Question email series - Pick a theme, from Get Control, Tame Emotions, Develop the Mind, Manifest Prosperity, Healthier Relationships, and more, and receive daily smart questions, tips and inspiration, to support your journaling practice.

  • Journal Writing Resources, Lists and Prompts

    • Personal Performance Questions - Questions for clarity and balance

    • Daily mini Re-Treat Yourself Process - Make the most starting and reviewing every day

    • Weekly Re-Treat Yourself Process - Focus on goals, balance and peace of mind

    • Monthly Re-Treat Yourself Process - Focus on rejuvenation and staying on purpose

    • Quarterly/Yearly Re-Treat Yourself Process - Precious solitude to relax and reconnect with your big picture

Click here to join us and receive your 'Journaling for Self-Empowerment' e-book today. Then enjoy browsing the site for other 'Know Yourself & Grow Yourself' resources that serve your needs and goals.

We stand behind our quality. Find value in our products and our service or we will refund your last payment - guaranteed! No questions asked.

So act now and start exploring the magic of journal writing today. Click the link below to invest in this life changing program.

Click here for full Access

John Robson


John Robson
John Robson Higher Awareness Inc.
Edmonton, AB Canada

P.S. When you master journal writing, you discover you can be your own coach, confidant, therapist, psychic, consultant - all in one. What a blessing to be more self reliant and authentic! Explore this amazing growth tool now by joining us and accessing a wealth of journal writing resources.

Finding Higher Awareness has been one of the best gifts to come my way. Daily I practice the exercises and am astounded by how quickly wonderful things are happening and how easily ideas flow for me to use to assist myself and others. New worlds continue to open up and the most wonderful people cross my path.

~ EO ~

"I will write myself into well-being." -- Nancy Mair