How does stress deviate you from finding your life’s purpose

How does stress deviate you from finding your life’s purpose

Stress can harm both our physical and emotional health, as is well known. But many people don’t realize that stress can also prevent us from finding what my purpose of life is. In this blog post, I’ll share how stress can cause us to become disengaged from our passions and why …

How to stay positive when dealing with challenges in life?

How to stay positive when dealing with challenges in life?

Life may be incredibly erratic. We encounter challenges in life that make it challenging to maintain our balance. Everyone has had difficulties, whether it was the death of a loved one or money issues. Whenever there is a never-ending dismal news cycle in today’s culture, it may be challenging to …

What are the types of personalities? Let’s Decode!

What are the types of personalities? Let’s Decode!

What character attributes define a person as who they are? Everyone is aware of their personality type, whether they are outgoing or quiet, sensitive or hard-hearted. Well, before you go for a free personality quiz, know that personality is defined by psychologists who work to understand the science of who …


Intuition works to meet higher personal needs

Intuition works to meet higher personal needs Our level of personal fulfillment is directly related to our ability to be intuitive. Intuition requires a NAP – Need, Action and Peace of mind. The first one is NEED. Intuition works to meet our innate needs rather than our desires and wants. …


Opening the mind’s intuitive awareness

Have you had a flash of insight lately? If you have not, then you are working too hard on building your awareness or you are worrying about something. Intuitive flashes occur when we are open and trusting. If you are concentrating diligently on something, then the mind is completely in …


STOP and Work ON instead of IN your life

Fed up with riding life’s roller coaster or non-stop treadmill? Can’t see the forest for the trees? Are you running your life with a clock or with a compass? There is a way out. Step back and work ON your life or business instead of immersed IN it. A wood …


The spiritual path of opposites leads us to wholeness.

Many of us turn to the spiritual path for relief from our pain. We hope spirituality will save us from our fears, bad habits, insecurities and disillusionments. We want an idyllic world where we’re always safe and happy. But this doesn’t work. Our personality’s desire to achieve pleasure and avoid …


Healing Energies for Spiritual Development

Explore bringing the higher and lower together in ordinary everyday situations. For example, if you’re tired and hungry, connect with the discomfort of your personality. Then connect with the soul’s appreciation of all experiences of life. You may also want to explore over time the following emotional reactions and typical …

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