Personal Growth Articles that can Change Your Life!
Open to new possibilities with these practical and transformative articles!
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Personal Growth Articles, PLUS hundreds of other Personal Growth Resources.
Definition of Consciousness
- What is consciousness? And why does it matter?

Change Your Life with the Cosmic 2x3
- Don't wait for the cosmic 2x4 to whack you into awareness. Wake yourself up
gently with the Cosmic 2x3!
The Consciousness 2 Step Dance of Life
- A simple look at how we experience and manifest consciousness.
Traveling the Circle of Life in
Three Phases - Understanding the bigger picture of life helps bring meaning to our challenges

A simple model of how we experience and create life.
- We participate in life in 2 basic ways - experiencing life through awareness and engaging and manifesting life.
Making Guilt Work for Me - How I learned from guilt
Circle of Life Covers Two Paths - Have you reached the Magic Point on
the circle of life?
- Challenged by your relationships? Good!- See how your soul is the
underlying guide to all relationships.
- Experiencing challenges? - Learn why you're attracting them!
- Purpose In Life:
- Grounding the Fantasy
- Choice - Choose what you want in life! - How to choosing differently.
- What's the big picture for your life?
- Challenges make more sense from bigger perspectives.
- How Are You Sabotaging Yourself? - How
do you undermine your integrity and commitments?
- The Void: Where The Change Process Stops Us -
Mind fog is part of the growth.
- Turn Problems into Power and Potential! - Stuff comes up for a reason.
- Are You Conscious or Unconscious? -
Learn how to Stop and Pay Attention.
- Why do Questions Work? -
Prove it to yourself with this short exercise.
- Journaling for Self Discovery -
Unleash the power of your heart and mind.
- Why Journaling Works -
Understand how your mind works
- Setting Up A Journal -
Find the ways that work best for you.

- A Journaling Process -
A simple 4 step process give you better results.