Ideas teasing you



3 - ideas teasing you

Are you aware of any little gems floating around your consciousness these days? Charged little thoughts that beckon you to pay attention to them? Inspiration and intuition often bring powerful new ideas to us very subtly, very quietly. When you become aware of being teased by an idea, follow it!

Just a reminder. Take time right now – One or two minutes only. Answer the question NOW. If you put it off, it doesn’t get done. You are worth it. Get your thoughts onto paper where you can see them and draw insights from them.


“Inspiration may be a form of super-consciousness, or perhaps of subconsciousness – I wouldn’t know. But I am sure it is the antithesis of self-consciousness.” — Aaron Copland

To understand why Smart Questions are so powerful, see how they can be your best friend and why they draw out Your Inner Wisdom, read the article Why Do Questions Work .

No matter where you are in your life, you have your own answers and we have the right questions to draw out your inner wisdom. Are you ready to confidently move forward and achieve what’s most important to you? Visit Smart Question Coaching and explore how to fully trust your inner guidance and wisdom.

Meet you in Higher Awareness!

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