Expand BASIC Awareness
into HIGHER Awareness!

And Why you MUST
Know the Difference!  


Download your Free 'MAGIC POINT' Awareness Journey WORKSHEET !

Tracking Measurable Goals for Your Success

If it's important, measure it! Seeing proof of your progress and achievements will spur you on to even greater success! Discover the power of our 11 goal tracking tools for achieving goals.

"When performance is MEASURED, performance improves."
-- Author Unknown

tracking goals

Now YOU too can start tracking measurable goals, attaining clarity, focus, meaning and real results

It is so easy to get caught up in the busyness of life. When we're consumed with activity, we tend to do what's urgent rather than what's important. We're not always aware when we're out of balance. And in the whirlwind, we can lose track of what we most want for our lives.

This workbook for Measuring and Tracking Goals will support you to:

  •  Learn powerful tools to maintain attention and intention.
  •  Develop measuring sticks for your growth.
  •  Identify the right tools that work for you
  •  Build your success habits
  •  Develop self discipline
  •  Clearly identify your next step.

It offers you 11 powerful Goal Measurement and Goal Tracking Tools to keep you focused. Explore each of them so you can use those that prove most effective for you.

When you download the Goal Tracking workbook, you will also receive 30 days of support emails. With additional tips and inspiration, these emails will help you:

  •  Cultivate discipline, clear intention, completion, positive change, understanding, clarity and quality of results
  •  Learn how to stay on track with what is important to you
  •  Maintain your focus
  •  Watch "success breed more success."
  •  Develop persistence
  •  Keep your eyes on the bigger picture of your life

Order your workbook and 30 days of support emails today to guide you in achieving goals through positive change.

As a member, you'll have free access to all of these goal measurement and tracking resources:

Tracking Goals Online Workbook

Tracking your Success and Growth Online Workbook- Stay on top of what is important in your life. Attain ongoing clarity, focus, meaning and results with 11 goal measurement and tracking tools and 30 days of inspirational support emails.

  • 11 short term and long term goal tracking processes. Pick the ones that fit your style
  • 4 yardsticks for measuring your progress
  • 9 Powerful Personal Performance P's for new perspectives
  • 4 different 'one page' goal tracking tools
  • 30 days of inspirational email support to develop new habits

Other Related Workbooks

Personal Goal Setting Online Workbook - Set meaningful, measurable goals, make better use of your time, stay on track and get more done more easily. Accomplish what's most important. Stay organized and focused.

  • Tips to identify important, urgent, balanced goals
  • A 'Be SMART' formula to make goals alive and real
  • 8 ways to anchor goals so they naturally attract to you
  • 14 perspectives that support the unfoldment of your goals
  • 30 days of inspirational email support to anchor new habits

Effective Time Management Skills Online Workbook - STOP and be aware of how you are using the time of your life. Discover the power of awareness to see what is behind your procrastination, busyness and perfection.

  • 14 STOP and change perspectives and awareness keys
  • A one page time manager worksheet
  • A life tracker worksheet
  • A dream calendar on one page to idealize your day, week, month and year
  • Ideas for overcoming time's 9 main challenges
  • 15 insightful support tools, lists and resources
  • 30 days of inspirational email support to develop new habits

Tracking Goals Worksheets

  • Be SMART Goals - Create Specific, Measurable, Active, Rewarding, Timely, Beneficial goals.
  • Tracking Insights - Capture insights and what is important to you daily.

Tracking Goals Smart Question Emails Series

Get Control - Experience the power of awareness with one smart question and inspirational tip per day. Clarify your goals and manage your minutes. Stay on top of what is important to you. Become more effective and efficient. Spark your motivation. Overcome procrastination.

Tracking Goals Journaling Tools

Where am I in the movement of ...? - Gain new perspectives on changes in your life.

Tracking Goals List of Choices

  • Visible Change - Ways to know you are moving forward
  • Personal Performance Questions - Questions for clarity, balance and achieving goals

Tracking Goals Smart Questions

  • Daily Review Questions - Be efficient with daily review questions
  • Weekly Review Questions - Be effective with weekly review questions
  • Monthly Review Questions - Maintain balance and growth with monthly review questions
  • Quarterly Review Questions - Focus on holidays, aspirations, life lessons and purpose

Tracking Goals Quotes

  • Action Quotes - Do you act on inspiration?

Tracking Goals Article

  • Re-Treat Yourself Article - Commit to some R&R - Relaxation and Review.

"Man's mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions." -- Oliver Wendell Holmes

Unfocused, unmotivated, slow progress?
Want results, discipline, confidence?

Give us a try for one month for a low monthly fee or invest in yourself and save as a yearly or life member and explore these goal tracking resources and watch your life change.

Click here for full access!