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Weekly Review Smart Questions and Tips

Be effective with weekly review questions!

"If you don't ask, you don't get."
-- Mahatma Gandhi

"If you do not know what you stand for, you will fall for anything."
-- Source Unknown

"Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts."
-- Albert Einstein

"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do."
-- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

"The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it."
-- Alan Saporta

"Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him."
-- Aldous Huxley

A week generally holds a natural cycle of work, play, rest and learning. Invest at least 15 minutes each week in yourself and ask the Smart Review Questions below.

While a daily review focuses on awareness, efficiency, decision making and handling tensions, a weekly review focuses on goals, planning, effectiveness and enhancing peace of mind.

Reflection helps us step back from the details of our lives and see the bigger picture with fresh eyes. Instead of reacting to the small events, be more proactive and clarify what is important to you. Manage your days instead of your hours. It's worth a few moments of your time.

Take a minute right now and mark in your calendar the same time every week to do this important review.

TIP - Create 12 equal sized boxes on one page in your journal and write very short answers for each question. On the following weeks, keep adding your answers to the same boxes.

  • What was your peak experience or accomplishment this last week? Your main challenge?
  • Where did you hold yourself back? How did you waste time?
  • What new choices might you make?
  • Where are you vulnerable? What negative thoughts or emotions are affecting you?
  • What gave you the most meaning this last week?
  • Where do you require more imagination and creativity?
  • What were your main motives throughout the week?
  • When did you experience stillness and peace of mind and reflection?
  • What relationships need more development? How can you enhance your inter-personal skills?
  • Who or what did you most appreciate?
  • What responsibilities, commitments and goals need more effort and recommitment?
  • What are your most important short term goals?

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