Make a list of 100 goals.

Mark Victor Hansen, a circuit speaker, says make a list of 100 goals, long and short term. Then pick a hand full and work on them only. Making a big list stretches your thinking. Selecting from the list allows flexibility. “The common conception is that motivation leads to action, but …


Keep your goals visible

Increase your focus on your goals by making copies of them and posting them in places you frequent during the day. If you can create a symbol to represent your goal, so much the better. Put your icons on your bathroom mirror, your fridge, in your car, on your desk, …


Do you believe your goals are realistic?

Goal setting helps us identify targets so we know clearly where we are going and what we need to get there. And our success in reaching those targets spurs us on to accomplish more, so we find our lives rich in meaning and purpose. But the beauty and value of …


Are your goals measurable?

In the BE SMART guidelines for writing goals, “M” stands for measurable. If your goals aren’t concrete and measurable, they’re not goals–they’re simply wishes or dreams and good luck in bringing them to fruition. The more clarity we have in terms of identifying where we are going, the easier it …


Get your heart involved

Get to the heart of the matter. “There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it.” – Napoleon Hill We’re talking passion here, and passion comes from the heart. You …
