Your thoughts



your thoughts


Do you know? If we don’t journal regularly, we lose awareness of our thoughts. We don’t see how they are stuck in old habitual patterns, most of which don’t serve us. Take time to journal so you can capture your thoughts on paper. By doing so, you will begin to take control of your mind and use it to best advantage.


“When you choose to understand the workings of your own mind and choose to exercise control over the functions and attributes of your own mind, you will be empowered to create your own reality, to be completely self-reliant and totally prosperous.” — The Delfin Knowledge System

To understand why Smart Questions are so powerful, see how they can be your best friend and why they draw out Your Inner Wisdom, read the article Why Do Questions Work .

No matter where you are in your life, you have your own answers and we have the right questions to draw out your inner wisdom. Are you ready to confidently move forward and achieve what’s most important to you? Visit Smart Question Coaching and explore how to fully trust your inner guidance and wisdom.
Meet you in Higher Awareness!

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