Expand BASIC Awareness
into HIGHER Awareness!

And Why you MUST
Know the Difference!  


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Think Different - A List of Choices

  • Eat different food
  • Eat at different places
  • Fast for a day
  • Sit in different places
  • Sleep in a different room
  • Change your morning routine
  • Take a bath instead of a shower or vice versa
  • Drink a different beverage
  • Drive to work a different way
  • Change procedures
  • Change jobs
  • Take a course
  • Shop at an ethnic grocery store, e.g. Chinese, German, Italian
  • Go to an opera, stage show or symphony
  • Listen to different types of music
  • Watch a new sport
  • Participate in a new sport
  • Don't watch television
  • Watch a TV show you've never seen before
  • Change your hair style or hair colour
  • Eat dessert first
  • Drive to the country to look at the stars
  • Read poetry
  • Have a massage
  • Read the newspaper for a week
  • Don't read the newspaper for a week
  • Walk, don't drive
  • Use your non-dominant hand to do simple tasks
  • Read different types of books
  • Volunteer with different agencies
  • Visit a new church
  • Attend a service of a different religion
  • Attend a foreign film
  • Socialize with new people
  • Listen to different radio stations
  • Do deep breathing or stretching at coffee break
  • Spend time with people in different age groups
  • Take a spontaneous holiday
  • Vacation in a new place
  • Go on a retreat
  • Eat dinner by candlelight
  • Try a new hobby
  • Take voice or singing lessons
  • Take dancing lessons
  • Get a pet
  • Play games
  • Vary your exercise routine
  • Contact an old friend you haven't seen in years
  • Have your 'fortune' read
  • Go camping
  • Do some gardening
  • Tackle a neglected clean-up project
  • Wear different clothes or jewellery
  • Match your clothing in new ways
  • Give yourself permission to do something 'naughty'
  • Do what you fear the most
  • 4 FREE Journaling Tools for developing mind power, creativity and intuition. 
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    One tool alone will triple your creativity. Check out our other many Creative Thinking Exercises and Resources.