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How to Develop Intuition - A List of Choices

Affirm regularly your intuitive abilities
Alter your state of consciousness - relax, empty
your mind, calm the noise, meditate
Appreciate the blessings of your life
Ask for what you want - have clear intention, focus and feel
gratitude that your request is being heard
Ask questions
Be flexible
Be more spontaneous
Be open to opportunity
Be open to the mysteries of life
Be patient and open to big picture timing
Become aware of internal reactions to external stimuli
Become more wholistic, spiritual, broadminded,
impersonal and universal
Bring yourself into the present moment
Clear your mind often
Consciously choose to be happy, to look on the bright side
Create a bigger picture for yourself
Create a personal and spiritual growth plan
Create physical and mental space
Create and honour quiet time in your daily schedule
Dance, exercise and express through the body
Define your vision, purpose or mission and get started
on bringing it to life
Develop greater purity of motives
Develop the heart for higher compassion
Develop the mind for higher intelligence
Discuss topics with friends who think differently
than you do
Do different things
Do things differently
Drink sufficient water
Drop the problem for a while and return to it later
Eat a nutritious diet
Emphatically and repeatedly tell your subconscious to be open
Explore the multiple levels of interpretation that exist for every event
Fast or lighten your diet to include more fresh fruits and vegetables
Focus on higher qualities like acceptance, forgiveness, love,
courage, openness, trust, honesty, truth, goodness and beauty
Follow up on hunches
Forgive everyone, God and yourself
Have a support group with whom you can talk about important
issues in your life
Have faith in yourself and a loving universe
Help others and be in service
Immerse yourself totally in a single issue for up to 3 days
Insist on a creative pause before you make a final decision
Joke around and have fun in your life
Keep a journal
Know and fulfill your service and responsibilities
Know that answers are available every moment and you need
to just listen
Learn to control and release thoughts and emotions
Listen to classical music
Look after yourself physically
Love yourself and express your love
Maintain your principles, qualities and integrity
Monitor your progress and life events closely
Play the Transformation Game or other similar insightful games
Play with ideas without a specific goal in mind
Practice acceptance - give thanks and be grateful
Practice awareness exercises regularly
Practice concentration, visualization and contemplation
Practice guided imagery
Practice imagination exercises
Practice regular meditation - alone and with a group
Practice tolerating ambiguity and releasing the need to control
Purify body, mind, emotions and subconscious
Recognize a higher power, e.g. Christ, God, Buddha, Spirit, etc.
Release blocks, challenges, life problems, defences and
ineffective habits
Release any desire for specific outcomes
Rest, relax, play
Seek quiet time and solitude
Seek the meaning and purpose of all things, events and encounters
Set clear intentions
Sing, chant, play a musical instrument
Slow down and let the moments teach you
Study and read uplifting materials
Take action - be in motion, risk, have courage, have fun
Trust yourself and higher forces
Undertake nutritional cleansing periodically to remove toxins
from your body
Use creativity and lateral thinking techniques
Use divination tools such as Tarot, I-Ching, Runes, Pendulum, etc.
Work with universal symbols and universal laws and truths

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Check out our other many Developing Intuition Resources.