Use the right TOOL at the right time for the right reason.

Know Yourself Deeper Than You Ever Have!

Reveal your self-sabotaging behaviors, limiting beliefs and lots more.
Identify your character, values, talents and style.
Clarity your unique expressions and 3 levels of life purpose.

Our "How to Know Yourself" program provides the roadmap to self-discovery. And the unbreakable foundation for lasting change - on YOUR terms!

BUT FIRST - Have you taken our quick Know Yourself Quiz?

We have 2 KNOW YOURSELF programs.

  1. This one outlined below, which has stood the test of time and is our most popular programs.
  2. And Know-Yourself-In-Depth, which is even in more depth with a more detailed worksheet of self-understanding.


know yourself quote I am amazed at the depth of your commitment to this work, and moved, touched & inspired by your understanding of our human experience. Thank you so much for assisting me in having and experiencing my Life on a new and more powerful level, and enabling me to be a reflection of Freedom and full expression to others that I meet.

~ MJ ~


Know yourself

We came into this world with a blank slate. Our minds were clear, yet open to the most subtle impressions. As time passed, we unknowingly created our defences, limiting beliefs, self sabotaging programs, a controlling ego and more.  We let these engrained impressions shape our perceptions of who we think we are today. We still let others - a parent, spouse, boss, teacher, define who we are.

Then it happens.

Aware that life will not last forever, we ask ourselves, who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? Am I living my life on my terms? Or am I living my life as I believe others expect me to?

You will never resolve your problems or life issues if you do not first
know your self!

Studies have estimated that 95% of what we do, think and say is unconscious. Become conscious of what is now unconscious - and your life will transform. It's absolutely amazing.

If you want spiritual and personal growth, and change in your outer world - a new or better relationship, a more fulfilling job, a greater sense of purpose... then you must take action and journey to your inner world.

How well do you really know yourself?

  • What unique gifts, talents and skills do you bring to this world?
  • What specific issues and life challenges continually stop you dead in your tracks?
  • How much of your life is controlled by your personality? Inspired by your soul?
  • What gives you meaning and purpose?
  • Do you have a personal development plan for the future?
Hello Friend,
John and Patrice Robson here. We are the co-creators of HigherAwareness and the Know Yourself program. We congratulate you for TAKING ACTION, courageously seeking out the most direct path leading you on your inner journey toward knowing your self.
If you cannot give definite answers to the questions above - you're not alone.
In fact, prior to meeting each other, both of us asked ourselves the same questions you may be asking yourself. Putting fear of the unknown aside, on our own, each of us took the exciting journey to our inner world to self-discovery.
In our hearts, we truly believe that the discovery of Knowing Ourselves is what brought us together. We now share an amazing relationship happily co-creating and sharing life-changing programs like these.
We have worked with thousands of people to give them the empowering tools, skills, and confidence to discover their authentic self.

And we share with You, the opportunity to give yourself a miraculous gift - the online 'Know Your Self' self-discovery workbook. As a membership site you get access to this e-book, 30 support emails, 11 other workbooks and 100's of resources.

start your Know Yourself journey now

This 'Know Your Self' program will give you:

  • insights into your life lessons - what to heal
  • a sense of your life purpose - what to express and aspire to
  • enhanced awareness of how personality and soul interact - who you are
  • your own personal development plan - where you are going and how to get there

Once you have finished the "how to know yourself" program, we invite you to join our "Heal your life program" to get rid of the parts of yourself that frequently stop you from achieving your aspirations and life goals. By the end of this intellectual program, you will build an unbreakable foundation from which you introduce the new and authentic you to the world- a golden opportunity to reinvent yourself.

higher awareness quote I've been a member of Higher Awareness for a couple of months now. I discovered your website at a time in life when I needed to find that light at the end of the tunnel. I am so thankful I joined. I've learned so much about myself. This program works for me and I feel really good about it and myself. I'm learning to be more accepting of myself, which has always been my biggest block.

~ JM ~

What's in the "Know Your Self" Workbook? Here's the basic outline:

  • How we Uncover our own Truth
  • Gather Your Strengths and Uniqueness
  • Be Aware of limiting beliefs, self sabotaging programs and unconscious defences.
  • What is your life lesson that continually challenges you?
  • Bringing It All Together - Who Am I?
  • Appendix - 27 forms and 11 resource lists to guide and record your personal exploration

What makes the Know Yourself program unique and the most effective blueprint for self-discovery?

We'll support you with daily emails to help you explore new dimensions of who you are. With inspirational quotes and tips, our daily coach will help you find deeper understanding, discipline, clear intention, completion and quality results.

The workbook is the "key". It's been carefully designed to reach inside you. Bring to awareness the talents and gifts you already have. The desires you crave for and the mastermind to fulfill them. And because you're writing about your journey, as opposed to passively reading, you are ACTIVELY participating and creating life-long results in getting to Know Yourself.

You also get access to everything on the site -- another 20 plus programs and over 250 resources. You will instantly have your own personal growth library of solutions!

Once you know your life challenges and limitations we recommend you take our Self Healing (Block Busting) program to break loose the boat anchors stopping your forward movement. We even recommend you taking our inspirational  'Awareness Journey ' email training program at the same time so you deepen and trust your inner knowingness. So you understand how to raise awareness and consciousness so you to know yourself better.

No one but YOU knows how you can best live your life. With this personal growth and spiritual growth workbook, you'll ensure that YOU know what's best for you - so you can live life your way on your terms.

higher awareness quote I am finding out things about myself I was always afraid to admit to. Your programs are insightful and they force me to think about things in more detail than I have ever done! Keep up the good work!

~ NH ~

Word of CAUTION - The Know Yourself workbook is a critical and very powerful component of discovering the authentic YOU. It's guaranteed to lead you to your true self. And the journey will be exciting and richly rewarding.

Yet as you travel along this adventurous path, you will likely face moments of your past that will be unpleasant, perhaps even painful. But there my friend, if you choose to face those times of distress, you will harness a new strength that you never knew could possibly exist. Your rewards begin to surface.

higher awareness quote I can't tell you how much this Program is helping me to sort out many unconscious and involuntary beliefs affecting my life's journey. This Program is like an extractor, painful in the process (I had cried many times while working on the exercises) but has the healing effect. I thank you for this wonderful work of 'Soul'.

~ SH ~

Download your own copy of our 'Know Yourself', self-discovery workbook. Become a member of the HigherAwareness family, and start your personal and spiritual growth support emails today.

Live Life on YOUR terms!

 start your Know Yourself journey now

We recommend that you commit your first few months at Higher Awareness to creating a clear, well thought out, balanced life plan. The more you intimately know yourself, the more you grow in character and fulfillment.

Explore yourself in depth, truly know thyself, and put into perspective your subconscious limitations, your character strengths, weaknesses and potentials, and your deepest desires and aspirations. Out of this comes your Strategic Personal Life Plan and your Short Term Action Plan.

You will have empowered yourself to Draw out the Destiny YOU Desire.