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Life Planning Binder Transformational Tool
'The CREED, TOT, and Intentions'

Let your subconscious mind do its own 24/7 co-creating process.

One of the 5 ways we manifest in our lives is to program our subconscious mind. And the CREED is a great way to attain personal clarity and have your goals on the tip of your tongue.

TOOL: The CREED, TOT, and Intentions

What is a TOT? It stands for 'Tip Of Tongue'! When you see a falling star, or quickly drop a coin into a wishing well, or  blow out your birthday candles, you need to quickly come up with a wish. A important, deep desire. It has to be on the tip of your tongue. RIGHT NOW! What is your ultimate desire or goal? ....... If you have not thought of it, it may be too late, So, next time have it on the Tip of Your Tongue.

What is a CREED? -  It is a set of beliefs or intentions that guide your actions. Having a written set of goals, intentions, and what is important to you, ANCHORS them more deeply into your subconscious mind. The power of the subconscious mind then works with them 24/7. Anchor them even deeper by affirming and visualizing them daily.

"The mind, ever the willing servant,
will respond to boldness, for boldness, in effect,
is a command to deliver mental resources."
-- Norman Vincent Peale

Be bold and make a major commitment to yourself - in writing! Write out your own personal creed and declare it loudly, emotionally and clearly. This instils more belief.

This activates the RAS - Reticulating Activation System. Repeated, emotional thoughts get locked into your short term memory for increased awareness. It is like you buying a certain kind of car and then you notice how many more of them are on the roads.

Now apply RAP - Repetition, Authority, and Peace of Mind. Repeat multiple times per day, with Authority and emotional power, when you are calm, and in a meditative Peaceful state of mind,  This anchors your wishes more deeply.

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