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Intuitive Choice and Answer Lists

Intuitive Choice and Answer Lists offer a rich collection of ideas to support us in problem solving, decision making, creativity and deeper understanding. Too often, we get stuck in habitual thinking patterns and we can't find new ideas, options or solutions. Now, our lists give you may options, ideas, choices and triggers to help you answer the questions and needs in your life.

Invite your intuition to help you find the answers that are best for you! Quickly scan the list below and watch for any items that grab your attention in some way.  If you are open and receptive, your intuition will flag items that deserve your attention. Mark the items that 'resonate' with you, then logically pick out the top 7 of them for further exploration.

This is one of over 90 Intuitive Choice and Answer Lists

Goal Setting Triggers - A List of Choices.

  • weight loss, exercise, eating
  • financially secure till what age...
  • spiritual development
  • find a new special interest group
  • improve life partner relationship
  • lots of fun, laughs, friends, connection
  • clarify your life purpose
  • business succession
  • passive residual income
  • workaholic shift to work under 30hrs/wk
  • stress free living
  • part time income
  • create an art piece or music masterpiece
  • defend the downtrodden
  • design an award-winning building, dress, structure ...
  • develop more independent will
  • excel in a skill
  • feed the hungry
  • fight for a cause
  • volunteer, service, contribution
  • philanthropy, charities, tithing
  • to weigh ... pounds by...
  • to eat at least 12 nutritious meals each week
  • to exercise for 20 minutes 4 times per week
  • my ideal job
  • to get professional counseling
  • to find an ideal caring, humorous good looking partner
  • to do something romantic once/week.
  • to be earning at least $___ per month
  • to increase our nest egg by $___ this year
  • to buy myself quality clothing
  • to pay off my car or mortgage by ...
  • to own a new home by ...
  • to take at least 3 new courses on (subjects) by (timing).
  • to have a __ week family holiday by ...
  • to update my will and power of attorney
  • to donate blood every three months
  • to connect with my parents at least once/week
  • to create a web site or social media presence
  • to travel to ...
  • to upgrade my computer system with ... by ...
  • to read 2 new books each month
  • to renovate or paint ...
  • to meditate for 15 minutes at least 5 times per week
  • to write my memoirs
  • to volunteer at my child's school
  • to manage my investments or real estate
  • to clarify my new spirituality
  • to start an at-home business,
  • to look after my parents
  • to upgrade my technology, Cell phone, etc.
  • to create a new business plan
  • define what 2 continents to visit
  • to forgive myself and others weekly.
  • to have my dog be proficient at ...
  • to pay off outstanding debts
  • to join Toastmasters or a service club
  • to cultivate more friendships
  • to build up my energy
  • to express my life purpose
  • define my ideal lifestyle
  • to take a course on ...
  • define what 2 major cities to visit
  • Think bigger than you ever have
  • practice retirement projects early
  • create a think tank or creativity group
  • build up confidence and self esteem
  • increase my income by ...
  • clarify net worth, budget, or retirement plan
  • make a stand for ...
  • resolve concerns, challenges, road blocks, worries, etc.
  • what if? - divorce, health challenge, market crash, family crisis
  • what do you want to be, do and have?
  • I dream of doing ...
  • what I can do that costs under 5$
  • what addictions need I cut back on?
  • have a support group or master mind
  • Keep life in balance - money, health, lifestyle, work, relationships, family, spirituality, learning, confidence, leisure, etc.
  • adopt a child
  • be the best you can be
  • become 100% accountable - not a victim
  • become a foster parent
  • become a team captain
  • become the "boss"
  • break a world record
  • bring joy to others
  • care for the environment
  • care for your neighbors
  • conquer your #1 fear
  • identify and live your innate self expression
  • learn a new language
  • live in another country
  • invent something
  • leave a legacy
  • love unconditionally
  • mentor someone
  • nurture a garden
  • organize a benefit event
  • perform in competitions
  • play in a symphony
  • protect something endangered
  • really BE there for someone
  • serve in politics
  • speak to large audiences
  • support people with their healing
  • take a leadership role
  • tame strong reactive emotions
  • teach wisdom and truth
  • write a book
  • find a new hobby
  • take up a new sport