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Intuitive Choice and Answer Lists

Intuitive Choice and Answer Lists offer a rich collection of ideas to support us in problem solving, decision making, creativity and deeper understanding. Too often, we get stuck in habitual thinking patterns and we can't find new ideas, options or solutions. Now, our lists give you may options, ideas, choices and triggers to help you answer the questions and needs in your life.

Invite your intuition to help you find the answers that are best for you! Quickly scan the list below and watch for any items that grab your attention in some way.  If you are open and receptive, your intuition will flag items that deserve your attention. Mark the items that 'resonate' with you, then logically pick out the top 7 of them for further exploration.

This is one of over 90 Intuitive Choice and Answer Lists

Willpower Building Methods - A List of Choices

Relax your body for 10 minutes at the same time every day
Fast for 1 to 3 days every week or month
Control sleep by staying awake 10 minutes longer than normal
Commit to a sleeping schedule
Eat less
Practice silence for 10 minutes or more
Visit a bakery, buy something but don't eat it
Develop sensitivity of one of your five senses
Sit outdoors in the daylight for 15 minutes (rain or shine!)
Practise good yoga postures
Eat more greens, and live and healthy foods
Avoid junk foods
Keep work area clean, tidy and organized
Stand erect and motionless for 10 minutes daily
Stop involuntary movements of hands and feet
Drink more water
Drink less alcohol
Smoke fewer cigarettes
Do physical exercise
Chew each mouthful 40 times
Take 10 deep conscious continuous breaths
Do special housecleaning tasks for 10 minutes daily
Watch less television
Spend less time on your computer
Limit your time on the telephone
Spend time in nature

Control negative emotions, thinking and talking - criticism,
blame, hatred, anger
Listen to music of great composers
Hug a child, partner or pet for 10 minutes daily
Keep calm and remain detached in exciting, stressful
or humorous conditions
Study or listen to great drama, dance, opera or art
Speak softly while others are shouting
Breathe deeply when stressed or fearful
Send a card or email to someone
Keep a smile on your face for 10 minutes daily
Sing, dance, play, do artwork or a hobby for 10 minutes daily
Tell someone why you love them

Keep mind steady on a chosen course of study
Write in your journal
Write 10 things you appreciate
Write 10 creative, imaginative ideas
Practice concentration and focusing exercises
Listen attentively
Do absolutely nothing for 10 minutes daily
Communicate clearly and honestly
Stop thinking about particular subjects
Ponder the deeper meaning and purpose of events and activities
Perform multiple acts at the same time - listen, talk, write.
Study a new subject or project - new language, customs,
musical instrument, etc.
Expand vocabulary
Keep your word and commitments
Be punctual
Perform a daily ritual, recite mantras or prayers
Serve others
Do something nice for yourself

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