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Meditation Benefits - A List of Choices

Benefits of Meditation - Relaxation and Concentration

Achieve a deeper level of learning, order, action and release
Achieve more breakthroughs, clarity and results in your life
Balance overactive outer life with a calmer inner life
Be aware of thoughts so they can be changed and integrated
Break through barriers, fears and limitations that hold you back
Bridge inner thinking with outer events
Calm pent-up thoughts and emotions
Can be done anywhere, any time in many ways
Change for the better
Clarify issues in your life
Control your breath rate, heart rate, blood pressure and metabolism
Control your emotions
Control your busy mind
Defuse and integrate negativity, aggression and turbulent emotions
Detach and let go of the past
Develop discipline, willpower and concentration
Develop intuition, creativity and imagination
Develop more courage, trust and faith
Develop more personal and interpersonal awareness
Develop more self-trust and self-reliance
Dignify all of your life events
Diminish the grasping, deluded ego
Dissolve unkindness, self harm, feelings of aggression and violence
Empower yourself
Enrich inner action for quality outer results
Experience being present to life
Experience more laughter, fun, happiness and joy
Experience more freedom of expression
Feel better about yourself
Focus and clarify mind
Gain more inner awareness, motivation and inspiration
Gain more self confidence, self expression and self knowledge
Harmonize, balance and integrate peaks and valleys in life
Heal and make whole
Heal the past
Heighten self-awareness
Improve decision-making ability, congruency and integrity
Improve emotional well-being and health
Improve life quality and wealth
Improve memory, awareness and sensitivity
Improve orderliness, productivity
Improve relationships
Increase concentration power, focus and balance
Increase insight, loving-kindness and compassion
Increase intelligence, creativity, memory, comprehension, perception
Increase happiness, inner peace, joy
Increase psychic abilities - clairaudience, clairvoyance,
  and clairsentience
Increase self-worth
Increase self-esteem, self-discipline, self-reliance
Know the difference between reality and illusion
Learn patience
Learn relaxation
Live life more consciously and to the fullest
Make fewer mistakes
Make shifts and change more quickly, with less pain
Open to harmony, peace, joy
Overcome personality and subconscious barriers
Reduce conflict
Reduce insomnia, anxiety, stress, medical care, drug abuse and pain
Reduce scatter and stress in your life
Reduce vulnerability
Refresh, relax and renew
Remain calm in stressful situations
Rid mental restlessness
Save time and energy
Slow biological aging
Soothe troubled memories
Stay organized and focused
Strengthen the immune system
Take more ownership of your life
Uncover and discard the masks you wear
Understand more deeply yourself and others.

Benefits of Meditation - Reflection and Expansion

Access greater understanding and wisdom
Access more intuition, miracles and synchronicities
Access solutions and decisions more easily
Access the unconscious, subconscious and super consciousness
Achieve more abundance, prosperity, growth, fulfillment
  and connectedness
Achieve more love, belonging, better communication skills
  and relationships
Anchor and live your life purpose
Awaken the inner voice
BE more so you naturally DO more and HAVE more
Become more discerning and discriminating
Become your own counselor and coach
Clarify meaning, purpose, vision and essence
Connect causes to effects
Connect more with causes than effects
Connect with pure awareness, our deep inner nature
Create more support, community, sharing and caring
Develop patterns and perspectives that work for you
Draw out of yourself what is important to you
Draw thoughts from the universal
Earn more income
Eliminate the blocks to intuition and creativity
Expand consciousness
Experience group synergy
Experience more meaning and peace of mind in life
Experience tranquility, liberation and salvation
Experience unity of all life forces
Experience your natural beauty and wisdom
Experience your personal power, passion and flow
Explore your spirituality
Express your personality from above
Give attention, thought, and concentration to invisible realities
Help others to help themselves
Interpret your symbols and dreams
Know who you are and what you stand for
Learn how to create what you want
Live more of your essence
Move towards wholeness and growth, to who you really are
Open a reality beyond the ego into the realm of soul
Read your own mind
Reveal truths about the nature of consciousness
See yourself as an important, whole and connected being
Shift your awareness to new levels
Shift your perspective to observer, recorder, counselor, witness
Solve problems faster and more easily
Touch infinity
Understand how everything fits together
Understand your processes - how you think, learn, create
  and use intuition
Unleash your inner personal power
Unlock your inner guide that knows all

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Check out our other Meditation Methods and Techniques.