Expand BASIC Awareness
into HIGHER Awareness!

And Why you MUST
Know the Difference!  


Download your Free 'MAGIC POINT' Awareness Journey WORKSHEET !

What's Your Next Growth Step?
What is your commitment to change?

"We can learn to be the catalysts for our own change."
-- Sarah Ban Breathnach

Committed to growth but not sure where to start?
Here are some different approaches to consider:

1. Quick Life Overview and Plan
2. In-depth Planning and Execution Process (recommended)
3. Work on specific areas of your life
4. Tips and more options

1. Quick Life Overview and Plan

Quickly create your own Personal Development Plan using our one page, one hour worksheets

  • Set up your life planning binder and print the KNOW Yourself worksheets.
  • Life Map - Start with a quick, big picture snapshot of your life.
  • What Needs Healing? - Identify blocks, limiting patterns, weaknesses, challenges, and fears that are ready to be released.
  • Setting Goals - Clarify what you want and aspire to in life.
  • Strategic 3 Level Personal Development Plans - Consolidate what is important for your personal development.
  • Action Plan and Be SMART Goal Tracking - Create Specific, Measurable, Active, Rewarding, Timely, Beneficial goals.

2. In-depth Planning and Execution Process (recommended)


For deeper understanding of who you are and for more in-depth, thorough exercises. Take the in-depth, 3 month, 'intuit and DO IT' Awareness and Manifesting Program.

Want to go into more depth? Try these workbooks with supporting emails:

  • Know Yourself - A great starting point. Complete the know yourself workbook to clarify your gifts, talents, life challenges and how you experience your personality. The more you know and express your authentic self, the more meaning, joy and fulfillment you will have in your life.
  • Goal Setting - Set meaningful personal goals, make better use of your time, stay on track and get more done more easily. Accomplish what's most important. Stay organized and focused.
  • Strategic Personal Development Plan - Consolidate what is important for your personal development on one page.
  • Action Plan and Be SMART Goal Tracking - Create Specific, Measurable, Active, Rewarding, Timely, Beneficial goals.


Here's a general GROW Yourself strategy:

  • Developing more self awareness and self trust - Go deeper and higher for answers. Learn how to communicate with and trust yourself.  Experience more guidance, creativity and self reliance. Your biggest leverage tool in life is self awareness. Often, simply becoming aware of an issue brings change. Once we realize we're doing something, we can choose differently. With self awareness, we are empowered to live life more consciously.
  • Build a foundation and character. Heal past wounds and limiting beliefs - When we release the blocks that are holding us back, we naturally live happier, healthier and more empowered lives. When we let go of self sabotaging beliefs and behaviours, we automatically become more authentic and attract greater success. Use the Healing worksheet or the Self Healing (Block Busting) workbook.
  • Create and manifest what you want and who you are. Complete the Manifesting worksheet or really understand the whole consciousness raising process by taking our Manifesting Abundance workbook with 3 months of email support. Master how to naturally attract to you what you need.

3. Work on Specific Areas of Your Life

If you know specifically what you want to work on, use the Needs Directory or the list of programs on the member page to find appropriate tools and resources or just email us.

4. Ponder These Other Options and Tips:

  • Explore your ideal  3 levels of your Life Journey in your style - tools, questions, inspiration, soul's perspective,  and even humor.
  • Too busy or unclear about what you want for your life? Try our get control programs with time management and goal setting resources and create more discipline and freedom to work on yourself.
  • Building character and personality? Then master physical skills, then calm the emotions, then develop your mind and then intuitively connect with and express the soul. In other words - first know yourself, then accept and control yourself, so you can love and express yourself and then love and serve others.
  • We journey through life in two directions simultaneously. We explore inside to release blocks to allow our authentic, true loving selves to express more genuinely. We also move out to expand our own natural and unique ways of expressing and serving. Take the Revealing Subconscious Shadows process to get clear about what's holding you back. Take the manifesting and healing processes to attain what you desire.
  • Work on whatever issues are playing out in your life now. Life always brings us what we most need to address when the time is right. Use awareness techniques to explore existing blocks to find the soul cause and to expand your expression of who you truly are.
  • Accept the past, tune into the future and spend most of your time in the present.
  • You may want to redo a program you have already done for new insights and to see how you have grown. We evolve in spirals, always returning to explore old issues from new perspectives.
  • Most important is to trust yourself, trust your intuition, as a part of you knows what will benefit you most at this time. Go for what you want to do - what inspires and appeals to you, not what you believe you should do. When we follow our desires, we have the motivation and energy to move forward.

Know that whatever you choose is just right! We are whole beings and working on any part of our lives will support every other aspect. Treat your growth as an exciting adventure and as much as possible, have fun!