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Intuitive Choice and Answer Lists

Intuitive Choice and Answer Lists offer a rich collection of ideas to support us in problem solving, decision making, creativity and deeper understanding. Too often, we get stuck in habitual thinking patterns and we can't find new ideas, options or solutions. Now, our lists give you may options, ideas, choices and triggers to help you answer the questions and needs in your life.

Invite your intuition to help you find the answers that are best for you! Quickly scan the list below and watch for any items that grab your attention in some way.  If you are open and receptive, your intuition will flag items that deserve your attention. Mark the items that 'resonate' with you, then logically pick out the top 7 of them for further exploration.

This is one of over 90 Intuitive Choice and Answer Lists

Paradigms To Shift - A List of Choices

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

  • physiological needs
  • security and safety needs
  • love and affection needs
  • self-esteem needs
  • self-actualization needs
  • self-transcendence needs

Consciousness Levels

  • follow the masses
  • individuality
  • independent, accountable
  • intuitive, spiritual
  • other-conscious
  • contributor, server

Awareness Cycles

  • independent will
  • cooperation, relationships
  • self expression
  • focus, hard work
  • freedom, harmony
  • service, duty
  • inner work
  • balance
  • humanitarianism

Significant Life Changes (non-progressive)

  • addictions
  • awareness to psychism to intuition
  • bankruptcy
  • career change
  • change in religion
  • changes in education
  • children arrive
  • children leave nest
  • chronic pain
  • confrontation with authority
  • connecting with symbolic, universal realities
  • crime
  • death of someone close to you
  • depression
  • different cultures and customs
  • divorce
  • emotional to cognitive processing
  • environmental shifts
  • fall in love
  • fame
  • financial windfall
  • illness
  • injury
  • left to right brain processing
  • loss of job or income
  • major change in income
  • major dietary changes
  • marriage
  • mid life crisis
  • natural disasters
  • negative to positive thinking
  • overcoming victim hood and being 100% accountable for everything
  • positive to higher spiritual thinking
  • progressively sensing experiences, lessons, meaning and purpose of all events and encounters
  • purpose
  • relocation
  • retirement
  • war

Business and Technology Changes

  • become an entrepreneur
  • become an employer
  • being a leader instead of a follower
  • move office out of/into home
  • globalization
  • major expansion/downsizing
  • computer usage
  • decentralization
  • team work
  • virtual workplace
  • Internet commerce
  • mergers and takeovers

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