Expand BASIC Awareness
into HIGHER Awareness.
And Why you MUST
Know the Difference!
Draw Out YOUR Inner Wisdom
"When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life." -- Greg Anderson
What goals do you want to accomplish this year and in this lifetime?
*** COACH'S TIP ***
Write them down! If we set our direction clearly, we have the foundation for effective decision-making. It will be clear to us what actions will move us towards our goals. This helps us develop intention and attention to what we want to achieve in life.
"The purpose of goals is to focus our attention. The mind will not reach toward achievement until it has clear objectives. The magic begins when we set goals. It is then that the switch is turned on, the current begins to flow, and the power to accomplish becomes a reality." --From The Best of Success, compiled by Wynn Davis
This is one sample of 60 Daily Smart Questions to "Getting Control". For more samples, see Control Questions to Ask Yourself. You can also choose from 6 other themes of High Level Smart Questions and Tips.