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into HIGHER Awareness!

And Why you MUST
Know the Difference!  


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Good Intentions - A List of Choices

Achieve balance
Acknowledge, feel and honour pain
Acknowledge, then feel and release fears
Affirm a positive quality about the situation
Affirm a positive quality within yourself
Affirm your independence
Allow energy to flow
Ask for guidance, for answers
Ask for what you need
Ask for what you want
Assume your responsibility
Be aware of body sensations and learn from them
Be aware of defences
Be more effective
Be more efficient
Be patient
Be present
Breathe deeply
Choose love, joy, freedom, peace
Claim your power
Communicate clearly
Complete what has begun
Decide your next step and do it

Determine cause or effect
Disengage, detach to be a witness to your own experience
Expand your limits
Explore motives
Explore what's hidden
Find meaning in what's happening
Find new ideas
Find purpose
Focus on finding a solution
Focus on the needs of the other
Follow your own truth
Give yourself space, a time-out
Honestly express what you're thinking and feeling
Identify and honour your own needs
Identify and honour your values
Imagine a preferred or ideal outcome
Listen intently
Love and respect yourself
Manage emotions responsibly
Monitor thoughts

Open to intuition or higher guidance
Open to new possibilities
Recognize and experience feelings and emotions
Recognize and release labels
Reconnect more genuinely with others
Release blocks
Release emotions, e.g. guilt, anger, jealousy, impatience
Release tensions
Respond creatively
Set goals
Shift to a more positive outlook
Stand in integrity
Start anew
Think about what you want, not what you don't want
To expand your outlook
To recognize limitations and early warning signals
To remove yourself from the situation
To understand the lessons
Value differences

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