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Depression Causes and Triggers - A List of Choices

Abuse: sexual, emotional or physical
Avoiding responsibility
Being overly rational
Biological causes
Bottling up your feelings
Chronic illness
Collapse of hope and ambitions
Consumption of drugs and alcohol
Deaths of friends, family or pets
Excessive ego
Excessive fantasizing
Excessive self regulation
Family conflict
Family crisis
Feelings of helplessness
Feelings of hopelessness
Financial difficulties, setbacks
Heredity or genetics
Ignoring or unable to see potentials
Job loss
Lack of energy
Lack of faith
Life problems, setbacks

Losing oneself
Loss of meaning in life
Loss of purpose
Loss of soul connection
Loss of something highly valued
Low self-esteem
Major health challenge
Major life transitions
Medical illness in oneself or another
Mental illness in another
Natural disaster
Negative self talk
Negative, victim thinking
No motivation
Unable to express feelings
Not knowing
Not letting go of the past
Personal interpretations of reality
Rejection by self or others
Relationship problems
Self blame
Self depreciation
Self doubt
Separation from a loved one
Shallowness, superficiality
Stress - long term or excessive
Subconscious shadows and wounding
Turbulent upbringing

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