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Excuses and Justifiers - A List of Choices

After I ...
Because ...
Been there, done that
Can't afford it
Computer is down
Didn't work before
Don't feel like it
Don't have to
Don't know enough
Everything is a struggle for me
Family comes first
Got a headache
Have a zit on face
Have no energy
Have no money
Have no time
Have nothing to wear
Having a bad hair day
House is a mess
I always fail
I can't
I deserve a break
I don't know how
I don't want to fail
I don't want to look stupid
I forgot
I shouldn't
I won't
I'm in pain
It won't work
It's boring
It's just the way I am
It's no use
It's not my job
Job comes first

Lost my...
My friends don't do it
My parents ...
My partner thinks ...
Need more self time
Need to relax
Never thought of it
Not in the cards
Not in the right mood
Not my responsibility
Not my time
Not smart enough
Others come first
The kids won't let me
Tomorrow is another day
Too broke
Too busy
Too cold, hot
Too dumb, smart
Too easy, hard
Too far
Too much effort
Too old, young
Too short, tall
Too shy
Too sick
Too sore
Too thin, too fat
Too tired
Wait till I ...
What will others think
When I ...
Why should I

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