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Stress Test - A List of Choices

Take this quick test.
1. Print this form.
2. Check off each event you have experienced this year.
3. When you're done, add up the points for each event.
4. Check your score at the bottom.

_____ death of spouse 100
_____ divorce 73
_____ marital separation 65
_____ jail term 63
_____ death of close family member 63
_____ personal injury or illness 53
_____ marriage 50
_____ fired from work 47
_____ marital reconciliation 45
_____ retirement 45
_____ change in family member's health 44
_____ pregnancy 40
_____ sex difficulties 39
_____ addition to family 39
_____ business readjustment 39
_____ change in financial status 38
_____ death of close friend 37
_____ change to a different line of work 36
_____ change in number of marital arguments 35
_____ mortgage or loan over $10,000 31
_____ foreclosure of mortgage or loan 30
_____ change in work responsibilities 29
_____ trouble with in-laws 29
_____ outstanding personal achievement 28
_____ spouse begins or stops work 26
_____ starting or finishing school 26
_____ change in living conditions 25
_____ revision of personal habits 24
_____ trouble with boss 23
_____ change in work hours, conditions 20
_____ change in residence 20
_____ change in schools 20
_____ change in recreational habits 19
_____ change in church activities 19
_____ change in social activities 18
_____ mortgage or loan under $10,000 17
_____ change in sleeping habits 16
_____ change in number of family gatherings 15
_____ change in eating habits 15
_____ vacation 13
_____ Christmas season 12
_____ minor violations of the law 11

______ Your Total Score


0 - 149: Low susceptibility to stress-related illness

150 - 299: Medium susceptibility to stress-related illness.

300 and over: High susceptibility to stress-related illness

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