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Time Tips and Time Savers - A List of Choices

4 D's - do it, dump it, delegate it or date it
Act now
Always have options or a back-up plan
Analyze the situation
Apply the 80/20 rule
Ask for help
Ask, "What is the best use of my time right now?"
Balance your life
Be active, not reactive
Be flexible and open
Be focused, yet flexible
Be more effective than efficient
Be selfish - block time every day just for you
Become creative
Believe you have enough time for what's important
Book time for maintenance and catch up
Break tasks into manageable bits
Build good habits
Call a courier
Consider using computer Personal Information Managers (PIMS)
Consciously choose relationships that support your goals
Communicate clearly
Create a "Dream Day, Week and Month" of protected times
Create realistic deadlines
Decide quickly on small matters
Delegate whenever possible
Determine your worth in $/hour
Divide and conquer what you have to do
Do multiple errands at once
Do It Now
Do it right the first time
Do not take life so seriously
Do one thing at a time
Do the most difficult task first
Do unpleasant chores first
Don't accept ASAPs - Get dates
Don't feel guilty. Ask, "What did I learn? What next?"
Don't over-control
Don't procrastinate
Don't spread yourself too thin
Empower yourself
Focus on doing the right things more than doing things right
Focus on results more than activity
Focus on the important more than on the urgent
Gather the facts
Get enough rest
Get the most important things done first
Give yourself plenty of time
Handle paper once only
Have someone screen calls and mail
If you had one month to live, what would you do?
Ignore distractions
Implement your action plan
Invest in quality relationships
Keep a fairly clean desk
Keep a journal
Keep an eye on the big picture
Keep physically fit
Keep your focus
Keep your to-do list visible
Know your own time wasters and avoid them
Know your values and strengths
Learn to delegate effectively
Learn to do things yourself
Learn to say "no"
Lighten up, have fun, laugh daily
Limit chitchat
Limit interruptions
Listen to and trust your inner voice
Listen to tapes while commuting
Make time to plan, daily
Manage good meetings - agenda, purpose, time limit, write minutes, keep on schedule
Managing information is as important as managing time
Organize your files
Organize your supplies
Plan your day
Plan your work and work your plan
Prepare for meetings
Prioritize on importance and need
Protect and maximize your prime time
Purge files at least yearly
Reduce time on Internet, TV and phone
Reflect regularly
Refuse to overload your schedule
Relax a few times during the day
Release perfectionism
Reserve free time daily
Revise your goals as needed
Reward yourself. Celebrate successes
Schedule a telephone hour to return calls.
Schedule high pay-off days and stay focused
Schedule physical chores for your mental down time
Schedule your day
See time management as a compass, not a clock
Set short and long-term goals
Set up a tickler system to manage activities, commitments - 1 to 31 and Jan. to Dec.
Set up your own coach, mastermind group, success team
Share chauffeuring duties with other parents
Simplify and focus on your goals
Start early
Stay fit and keep your energy high
Take regular breaks
Take the time to master effective time management
Thank your fans, helpers and mentors
Think on paper first
Tie up loose ends
Understand what must be done
Use 'idle' time to your advantage
Use conference calls instead of meetings
Use e-mail effectively
Use specialists if you can
Use technology but don't get bogged down with it
Utilize travel time
Value your time
Watch out for 'paralysis-by-analysis'
Work as much 'on' the business as 'in' the business

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