Expand BASIC Awareness
into HIGHER Awareness!

And Why you MUST
Know the Difference!  


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Personal Development Home

Today's Turbulent Times are:

Wide-spread, changing faster, increasingly complex, affecting me personally, and full of false information.

Which areas of life are affecting you?
Climate, Pandemic effects,
Inflation, Technology, Politics, Economics,
Healthcare, Information Overload, Social Change, Mental Health, etc.
Let alone your relationships, health, career, work, growth, and finances.

 And on a more personal level,
Pick the top 3 words from each table that affect you.

I want LESS OF:
Chaos, overwhelm, complexity, procrastination, addictions, stress
Anxiety, fearful, anger, emotions, sadness, tiredness, scatter
Mediocrity, emptiness, stuck, unknown future, indecisive, worry
Indebtedness, broke, no financial nest egg, unworthy, boredom
Loneliness, resentments, isolated, victim


I want MORE OF:
Order, control, balance, peace of mind, clarity
Confidence, happiness, health, energy, security
Meaning, purpose, fulfillment. passion, understanding
Security, abundance, financial freedom, love
Connection, fun, appreciation, friendships, loved, service

Either PRINT this page or text your cell phone your choices:

I WANT LESS OF ____________________________________________________.

I WANT MORE OF ___________________________________________________.

At Higher Awareness, we offer 2 main strategies:

  1. Resolve specific issues when you want, using the NEEDS TREE.) Look up any life challenge (what you want less of) and your aspiration (what you want more of) and immediately access the transformational tools, smart questions, inspirational quotes, and even a bit of humor so you can quickly resolve your life situation and become who you were meant to be.

  2. Take a more organized, bottom-up, rebuilding your new life, by taking our short Life Journey programs that naturally, progressively build and expand upon a unbreakable base for your personal growth.

Higher Awareness offers hundreds of resources and programs to fill your needs. Create your life plan and track your growth. We would be honored to be your life-long growth partner on your higher awareness journey. See our Features/Benefits Page.  


Our Programs

SUMMARY of Features and Benefits AND
Prices reduced as low as $12 per month so we reach more Truth Seekers.

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