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Awakening Awareness CARD #1 - Stop Self Sabotaging

Reveal and heal separation language that limits a full experience of life!

"Every person takes the limits for their own field of vision for the limits of the world." -- Arthur Schopenhauer

awareness cards

For more revealing, simple Awakening Awareness CARDS, click the link.

Most people believe that there is a unity of life and that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience and not the other way around. That we attract to us potentials, miracles, and a natural flow of life,  But this does not happen when we use language and self talk that blocks our belief in this fundamental, powerful law.

All you need is a recipe/index card with 3 columns on it. Use it multiple times per day to capture your self talk and language that contradicts the notion that all potential and synchronicities exist to be manifested NOW. Write down every time you catch yourself saying - if, when, maybe, might, sometimes, possibly, but, try, must, should, could, would, can't, always, never, have to, etc.

Do not put your dreams in a sequence or with conditions, or with a HOW, or even with too much detail,  Hold the vision of essence,  available NOW, with no conditions.

On your card write these separation words as you sue them, the new phrasing you want to use adn any next step you want to take, In real time start correcting your limiting language.

"When in a hole, stop digging." -- Sanjeeva Ananthan


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