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Consciousness Shifters - 'Awakening Awareness CARDS '

Raise Your Level of Consciousness

Enjoy inspirational, transformative and playful emails that gently develop new levels of higher consciousness. A little shift in consciousness can create big change many areas of your life.

How these simple, amazing CARDS unravelled my stuck life

Try our Powerful 'real-time' tools that awaken your healing, awareness and purpose.

"The next message you need is right where you are." -- Ram Dass

awareness questionsAwakening Awareness CARDS- One of our most powerful tools. All you need is recipe/index cards with 3 columns on them and use them multiple times per day to capture revealing insights for healing, aspirations, purpose, motivations and manifesting. Receive major insights, semi-conscious guidance and answers in as little as hours. Get below the superficial chatter.

I learned more about amazing myself from these magical CARDS. Capture your semi-conscious self-talk that runs your life.

"If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite." --William Blake

Members can sign up for new Awareness CARDS to be emailed every week.



Who knew the journey to higher consciousness could be so intriguing?

"The capacity for delight is the gift of paying attention." -- Julie Cameron

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