Become familiar with soul.

Do you sense that something is missing in your life? Chances are, you are experiencing the lack of soul in your world. What is soul? Our minds may want to understand soul as an entity. Andrew Schneider says that “soul is who we are as incarnated Spirit, …who we are …


Where Am I Going?

What is my destiny? This question connects us to our life purpose. It is more than just having a direction. It is about one’s place in the universe. It is the journey of finding that place and being there and living fully whatever that place is. It is your own …


Why Am I Here?

Before we really start the journey, we would answer, “To get as much as I can, to experience as much pleasure as possible.” Once the journey starts and the heart is awakened, the answer takes us into ‘right relationships’. This ‘why’ question searches for meaning in our life. The answer …


What Do I Want?

The whole point of our journey is to become whole, to be one consciously with the All, the Universe, God. In order to traverse the gap between the experience of separation and the experience of oneness, we must learn about needs and the fulfillment of needs. Needs are those gaps …


Who Am I?

When we start asking “Who am I?” we have begun the journey. This question arises because we unconsciously feel that we are not the tribe, and more importantly, we are not the ego. What we are implicitly asking is: who is taking the journey? There is no final and definitive …


Develop Spirituality through Detachment

Only as we BREAK FREE FROM REACTIONS, ILLUSIONS, VANITIES AND EFFECTS can we really see the truth and reality of our life. Only then can we truly experience freedom, power, love and the divine. Only as we SEE EVENTS FOR WHAT THEY ARE, can we go beyond them. “As a …


Healing the past

What lies behind all compulsions and addictions at a deeper level is an inappropriate, ineffective or frustrated quest for some ideal. It is the energy of Spirit, a universal attraction, that is making an appeal to the individual. But as the individual is unconscious of what that appeal or energy …


Explore turning tensions into transformation

Explore the soul energies that frequently are one side of the tension for transformation. By their very nature, when actively awakened in the soul, they seek to be expressed. When the personality is resistant to the soul energies, consciously or unconsciously, their presence creates a distorted energy that is frequently …

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