Seize the day – Clarity of purpose and meaning awaits you

Purpose brings clarity, meaning and inner power. Some of us are afraid of owning our own power. We may feel discomfort when we realize that if we know our purpose, we’ll be responsible for living it. The rewards of connecting with our purpose are so great! We get self esteem, …

Friend, link your livelihood and your soul purpose

“If you love what you do, you will never work another day in your life.” — Confucius Our life truly transforms when we connect our life purpose to our livelihood. It enables us to find meaning, fulfillment and happiness in whatever it is that we do for a living. As …

Free soul purpose/life purpose test

Our soul never leaves us alone. Its energy, direction, guidance, inspiration, understanding, unconditional acceptance, love and power is always in the background supporting us as much as we let it in. Once we get a glimpse of our soul purpose the doors start to open and open wider and open …

What is your soul asking of you? Take a free soul purpose quiz.

The following points may shed some light on your SOUL PURPOSE and how it differs from a PERSONALITY perspective: It is the TRIP, not the DESTINATION. It is the HOW, not the WHAT. It is the ESSENCE, not the FORM. It is SOUL DRIVEN, not PERSONALITY DRIVEN. It is the …

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