Friend, link your livelihood and your soul purpose

“If you love what you do, you will never work another day in your life.” — Confucius

Our life truly transforms when we connect our life purpose to our livelihood. It enables us to find meaning, fulfillment and happiness in whatever it is that we do for a living. As we spend so much of our lives working, we want to experience that time as worthwhile.

Remember that our soul purpose involves qualities of being, like empowerment, freedom, respect, honesty and love. We can bring those qualities into any kind of occupation. Our personality gifts, talents and skills also can often be applied to many different areas. So don’t get caught in a trap of believing that only one occupation will prove the right vehicle for your life purpose. Reflect on how you can realize your life purpose in what you are doing now.

If, on the other hand, your heart knows what it most wants to do in life, muster the courage to go after that specific dream. Universal energies lie waiting to support you in aligning with your specific purpose.


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