A Personal Development Program to Unlock Your True Potential

A Personal Development Program to Unlock Your True Potential

Many people desire to improve their skills and abilities, but the reality is nothing will happen until action is taken to make it happen. Some people seem to be naturally driven to take the steps necessary, but many of us have to make a conscious, purposeful effort to produce positive …


Self awareness brings change

Be aware. Just for a moment, stop moving and thinking. Heighten your senses. Watch. Listen. Experience. What are you feeling right now? What have you been thinking? There is no need to do anything with any answers that come up. Just be conscious of where you are. Take some deep …


Freedom comes through self awareness

Every morning, when you wake up, set an intention to be aware of yourself as you move through this precious time of your life. Anthony de Mello said, “It is extremely important if you want to wake up to go in for what I call ‘self-observation.’ Be aware of what …


We need to experience awareness

Who taught you to ride a bike? That was a trick question. No one can teach anyone else to ride a bike. We have to do it all by ourselves – through awareness. David Neagle explains that we learn to ride a bike when we become aware of how to …
