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Quarterly COFFEE Questions Worksheet

9 questions about life purpose, life lessons, holidays, career, purpose and strategies.

coffee questions

Notch it up. You are worth it. Grab a cup of coffee, choose your favorite brew, stronger, richer or maybe celebrate with a little champagne. I often celebrate with a quiet lunch or dinner with me, myself and I. That's my board of directors. Take at least 60 minutes and fine tune or expand your experience of your life. Treat it like a yearend review.

Spend extra time:

  • This is a 9 question DIY (Do It Yourself) retreat session.
  • Time to really listen to answers to your questions.
  • When you get one answer, ask for another.
  • Create great life choices.
  • It is just as easy to go for big goals as it is to go for little goals.

Your choice to:

  • Download a pdf file for your life planning binder (recommended)
  • Click to download this worksheet
  • Or write into a computer file or rewrite the following questions into your journal.

  • "You can come to understand your purpose in life by slowing down and feeling your heart's desires." -- Marcia Wieder

    Quarterly COFFEE Questions

    Date What are you being groomed for? Where does your life need more balance? What is your primary life lesson?




    Date What dreams merit more attention How will you get more solitude, rest, fun? What areas of your career would you like to change?




    Date How do you give back to others? What is your life purpose? My critical path for more meaning and change?





    Do a life review and planning session with our COFFEE Questions.