Expand BASIC Awareness
into HIGHER Awareness!

And Why you MUST
Know the Difference!  


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Inspiration --> Imagination --> Manifestation -
3 Levels of Consciousness

How does inspiration differ from imagination for you?
When ideas come to you that really hold meaning, take time to anchor them. Use the RAP formula: Repetition - Authority - Peace of Mind. Take a few deep breaths to relax, repeat your idea at least 3 times with emotion, passion and authority. Then write it down! This is a key way to support bringing ideas and inspiration to life.


When the magic of inspiration strikes, use your imagination to try on how you will feel when your great vision or idea has come to life. The more we imagine living in this new reality, the more our inner experience registers in the energy field and supports the manifestation process. Remember to focus on your feelings and the qualities that arise knowing your inspiration has become reality.

Here is another 3 Levels of Consciousness: Purpose --> Meaning --> Activity

This is a sample of 24 - "three levels of consciousness journeys". 12 are about up-shifting and advancing awareness. The other 12 are about down-shifting consciousness into manifestation. Manifest from new levels, otherwise you will keep creating what you've always created.

For more details and to receive your 24 unique "3 levels of consciousness journeys", click here.