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Life Planning Binder Transformational Tool
'The Synthesizing SCOPER'

Overloaded? Scattered? Lost?
Let your higher mind do its own natural synthesizing

Allow your mind to naturally sort into right relationships and to resolve tensions. Draw out evolving essences, creativity, intuition, fears, challenges, what is important, aspirations, connections - all on one page.

TOOL: The Synthesizing SCOPER

If you do a brain dump daily, you will find you consistently dump the same things. Things like - what's important, current issues, attitudes, tensions, triggers, pains, etc. Buried in with these items are ideas, urges, intuitive hits, callings, opportunities, etc.

There is magic in 'SPA' - STOP, Pay attention, and Action. As your list gets longer than 7 items,  the left brain gets overwhelmed and the creative, integrative right brain looks at it more intuitively. Also as you WRITE things down, they anchor more into your mind and tend to be remembered more. When things are in right perspective, we tend to worry less about them.

Make a list of all the things that are demanding your attention. Whatever comes to mind. A few times per day add more new mind consumers that arise. After a few days or even on day one, prioritize (synthesize), group, and sort your list.

SYNTHESIS is a powerful process of defining the right relationship of information. In review (synthesis) we tend to give newer, important, information more emphasis.

This process is one of my best intuition tools. I know I am over 50% intuitive and it is not till I put these intuitive hits and other stuff in right perspective, that I see the creative importance. When you review, order, and synthesize them, the cream comes to the top.

Do this process in your journal. When ready, put them onto a spread sheet to quickly sort, prioritize, and archive them. Also use this process for a project, problem, or possibility. Ask questions like: "What else is on my mind? What is more important to me?"

Test drive more Transformational Tools for your life journey.  Draw the best out of you. See Life Planning BINDER contents for more transformational tools, cheat sheets, worksheets, and new ways of thinking. Click the above link.

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