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MODELS of Life

3 simple models of life to make it simple and understandable

"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." -- Confucius

coffee questionsMODELS of Life - Do you have a simple philosophy of life? Most of us do not - till now. Explore these models that illustrate the key growth factors through simple graphics.

  • Life Planning MAP - A Life Journey starting point. Where are you on your consciousness journey? Rate and track your level of growth and integration. Update it monthly. We will even remind you.
  • 'O' MODEL of life - Look at life in another way in more detail - The Circle of Life. From the conditioning through our youth to ego's self-centeredness through a MAGIC point where you start to develop more power, wisdom, love and purpose on your journey home.
  • 'A' MODEL of life - One of my most powerful and revealing concepts of how life works day to day. How all the good, guidance, abundance, love, etc. must come THROUGH the subconscious filters and distortions.

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You will also be signing up for our popular Inner Journey Messages with reminders to monthly update your Models of Life.

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"The most simple things can bring the most happiness." -- Izabella Scorupco