Expand BASIC Awareness
into HIGHER Awareness!

And Why you MUST
Know the Difference!  


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Self control tips, worksheets and online courses for more peace of mind!

Experience more freedom and confidence with self control -- learn how to take control of your life and achieve your goals more quickly, more easily and with greater results!

It's time to live life your way!

It is so easy to get caught up in the busyness of life. To be out of balance. To not give priority to what truly matters to you.

If we don't consciously choose how we spend the precious time of our life, we lose it - to mundane tasks or to meeting other people's expectations. Our own dreams - the dreams that bring meaning to our lives - never see the light of day.

Take Self Control - create goals and plan, track and achieve them!

We want to support you in making your life your own. We want to see you living your highest potential.

Here, at www.higherawareness.com, we've been helping people regain and harness self control since 1999.

We've seen how poor or no self control can send you spinning in many different directions with no purpose, or guidance. But we've also seen and developed ways to re-align your life with what matters most: Feeling like you are in control of your life.

The past 10 years has allowed us to create personal goal setting and time management programs designed to guide you towards setting goals and using time to your best advantage.

We've also learned that a big part of regaining control of your life is being able to have the support when you need it, so to help with the ongoing challenge of self discipline, we offer you weekly email support for one full year! To maximize your success, we've also included 8 Intuitive Resource Lists to help you make decisions.

You will discover how to:

  •  find out what you really want from life.
  •  create meaningful goals and persist with them.
  •  overcome procrastination.
  •  manage your time and stay organized.
  •  achieve more balance in life.
  •  maintain the intention and attention you need for success.
  •  track your goals and celebrate your achievements.

Bring more meaning into your life!

"Goals are dreams with deadlines."
-- Diana Scharf Hunt

Define and achieve your success plan with our personal goal setting tools and workbooks and weekly reminders for one full year! Accomplish what's really important. Maintain your motivation and inspiration. Develop self control and self discipline.

Begin to create the life of your dreams and have more self control.

As a member, you'll have free access to all of these GROW Yourself resources:

Self Control Workbooks

Time Management Skills Online Workbook - STOP and be aware of how you are using the time of your life. Discover the power of awareness to see what is behind your procrastination, busyness and perfection.

  • 14 STOP and change perspectives and awareness keys

  • A one page time manager worksheet

  • A life tracker worksheet

  • A dream calendar on one page to idealize your day, week, month and year

  • Ideas for overcoming time's 9 main challenges

  • 15 insightful support tools, lists and resources

  • 30 days of inspirational email support to develop new habits

Personal Goal Setting Online Workbook - Set meaningful goals, make better use of your time, stay on track and get more done more easily. Accomplish what's most important. Stay organized and focused.

  • Tips to identify important, urgent, balanced goals

  • A 'Be SMART' formula to make goals alive and real

  • 8 ways to anchor goals so they naturally attract to you

  • 14 perspectives that support the unfoldment of your goals

  • 30 days of inspirational email support to anchor new habits

Tracking your Success and Growth Online Workbook- Stay on top of what is important in your life. Attain ongoing clarity, focus, meaning and results with 11 tracking tools and 30 days of inspirational support emails.

  • 11 short term and long term tracking processes. Pick the ones that fit your style
  • 4 yardsticks for measuring your progress
  • 9 Powerful Personal Performance P's for new perspectives
  • 4 different 'one page' tracking tools
  • 30 days of inspirational email support to develop new habits

Self Control Worksheets

  • Setting Goals - Clarify what you want in life on one page.
  • Be SMART Goals - Create Specific, Measurable, Active, Rewarding, Timely, Beneficial goals.
  • Time Management - Get a bird's eye view of how you manage time. Identify chaos, procrastination, time wasters and what it important on one page.
  • Balance - Maintain balance in all areas of your life.
  • Tracking Insights - Capture insights and what is important to you daily.

Self Control Smart Question Emails Series

Get Self Control - Experience the power of awareness with one smart question and inspirational tip per day. Clarify your goals and manage your minutes. Stay on top of what is important to you. Become more effective and efficient. Spark your motivation. Overcome procrastination.

Self Control Journaling Tools and Exercises

  • Time Capsule - Capture the past, present and future.
  • Dream Calendar - Put your ideal day, week and year on one page.
  • Radar Trap - Catch yourself in the act. Enhance your awareness and self control.
  • Any time micro Re-Treat Yourself Process - Reap the benefits of awareness pauses.
  • Daily mini Re-Treat Yourself Process - Make the most starting and reviewing every day.
  • Weekly Re-Treat Yourself Process - Focus on goals, balance and peace of mind.
  • Monthly Re-Treat Yourself Process - Focus on rejuvenation and staying on purpose.
  • Quarterly/Yearly Re-Treat Yourself Process - Precious solitude to relax and reconnect with your big picture.

Self Control List of Choices

  • Smart Goals Samples - Create more results in your life.
  • 150 Time Tips and Time Savers - Time is money and happiness
  • 100 Time Wasters - Find the culprits that steal your valuable time
  • Human Life Cycles - Work with your cycles, not against them
  • Visible Change - Ways to know you are moving forward
  • Personal Performance Questions - Questions for clarity, balance and self control

Self Control Smart Questions

  • Goals - Explore new perspectives to set meaningful goals.
  • Time -Get the most from your time
  • Daily Review - Be efficient with daily review questions
  • Weekly Review - Be effective with weekly review questions
  • Monthly Review - Maintain balance and growth with monthly review questions
  • Quarterly Review - Focus on holidays, aspirations, life lessons and purpose

Self Control Articles

  • BE SMART With Setting Goals - To really nail down your goals, here's a great way to format them.
  • Re-Treat Yourself - Commit to some R&R - Relaxation and Review.

Self Control Quotes and Tips

  • Action - Do you act on inspiration?
  • Commitment - Close the door to self-sabotage
  • Planning - Make today count!