100 Benefits you can get from Journal Writing

Journaling is so much more than just an act of putting your thoughts on paper. Personal journaling can actually have a lot of benefits for your physical and emotional well-being. Whether you journal when you have an idea, when you vent out your emotions or when you recall memories, these …

New Ways of Journaling

What’s the most unforgettable experience that happened to you last year? Can you remember the details? What’s the lesson that stood out from last year’s experience? Can you vividly remember the emotions you felt during that time? Wouldn’t it be great if you can remember your life experiences as if …

Being Aware of Imagination

I just created more space in my office for more ideas and insights. And I re-hung my favorite framed quote on the wall. “Nurture great thoughts, for you will never go higher than your thoughts.” Benjamin Disraeli It is too easy for life, social media, monkey mind, television, interruptions, etc. …

Fresh Inspiration for 2014

As the New Year unfolds, we welcome new possibilities, new challenges, new opportunities and even new people into our lives. We’re at a point where people are still sensing nostalgia for the year that was and but already building a hopeful disposition for the year to come. Now is a …

Almost fooled, again, by ego’s tricks.

I’m glad my short holiday helped me see again through the tricks of my ego. Over the last few months I’ve been creating a new intuition development and life planning program. And the more I got into it the more a self-centered part of me wanted to make it more …

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