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'NOW' COFFEE Questions Worksheet

9 timely questions to refocus, realign, re-energize and get you back on track

coffee questions

Stuck? Down? Upset? Stressed? Scattered? Our outer world knocks us off our centre. Have patience. Create space. Honor the void. Ideas have a gestation period. Do some YIN inner activities. Everything has up and down cycles.

  • RELAX and enjoy a quiet moment enjoying your coffee.
  • Connect with your emotions.
  • Create your own ritual and routine to re-energize yourself.
  • Let energies flow and dissipate.
  • Ask for guidance. You are bigger than the situation or problem.
  • Identify the block and turn to the positive. Hold things together in your mind and regain control.

Your choice to:

  • Download a pdf file for your life planning binder (recommended)
  • Click to download worksheet and write into a computer file.
  • Or go get creative and personalize as you rewrite the following questions into your journal.

  • "You find peace not by rearranging the circumstance of your life, but realizing who you are at the deepest level." - Eckhart Tolle

    NOW COFFEE Questions (Optional)

    Date What present challenge am I working on? What is positive, essence, or ideal of what I want? What pain, conditioning or fear needs healing?




    Date What does my Heart/Soul/Intuition say? HOw can this serve my goals, purpose or truth? What action serves highest good of all concerned?




    Date For what am I grateful and appreciative of? Breath into any resistance or attachment and let it go. Affirm: I am whole, ready, willing and able to proceed.





    Keep great focus on more important questions with our Monthly and Quarterly Questions.