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How to set up your own journaling binder

After teaching thousands of individuals time management, life management and journaling, you will now receive the best, fasted, easiest processes that I know for healing, opening to higher guidance and creating what you want in your life. Start your own Personal Binder or Book. It can become your life audit trail, control centre, dream catcher, success tracker, project planner, day timer, and intuition and idea instigator - all in one book and it takes minutes each day to complete.

Here are 2 popular ways to set up your personal journal:

  1. Use a basic hard cover journal book or scribbler and write in it in chronological order. We recommend numbering pages or putting the date at the top of them so you can quickly find what is important to you. Leave a few pages blank at the beginning so you can gradually create an index by writing the topic and page number or date. To get the most out of your journaling experience, create memorable headlines for insightful and important entries. These will also support you in finding important material later. If you like to journal in different places, then a hard cover or coiled journal may prove most portable.

  2. If you are just starting to journal, a 3-ring binder offers most flexibility until you decide what format best suits your specific needs. A binder allows you to organize your notes with tabs for your favorite topics and/or tools. Obtain a one inch 3 ring binder with a plastic insert cover. Then obtain a 5 to 10 set of tabbed dividers for your different sections. They come with an index page, numbers or customizable divider labels.

Some sample pages are provided to get you started

Click here to download a Microsoft Word file that you can edit and print. It includes:

For a more elaborate life management system:

You can even set up a 3 ring binder to manage your everyday chaotic life, your new projects and your inner life. Dividers create different sections to serve your different needs.

To start set up this simple system:

  • Calendar - add you own calendar system here to write down your commitments and appointments. We recommend a commercially available 8 1/2 by 11 inch week-at-a-glance or month-at-a-glance calendar depending on how busy you are.

  • Daily Discipline - our programs offer many tracking sheets, one page worksheets, and our popular one page Quick Connects. We recommend daily or a minimum of three times per week, to quickly add to each of these important growth pages, worksheets or Quick Connects.

  • Chronolog - This is where you record your reactive chaos, in chronological order as it happens. It is a real time, running 'to do' list, call reports, dumping ground and audit trail. A chronolog starts to create structure out of chaos. Put a circle in the left margin for items that need action. Check off the circle when action is taken - Done, Delegated, Deleted, Dated into the future or n your Dream list.

  • Journal - When you get time for reflection, ideas and feelings, write whatever you want in this section.

  • Custom Sections - Create your own tabs for special projects, sections or journals that are important to you. Choices of different journal sections for different reasons, include dreams, meditation, life planning, daily events, gratitude, relationships, spiritual growth. See our list of types of journals. Within each of these types of journals, you could play with a wide selection of different journaling tools.

How to use your journal.

On a daily basis as a minimum:

  1. Check your calendar for today's commitments
  2. Complete your daily discipline and make short entries on your quick connect pages or tracking pages.
  3. During a quiet time in the morning, afternoon or evening make some entries in your Journal or important sections of your binder.

The beauty of journaling is that there really aren't any rules. Choose what suits you best and stick to it!