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Serious about your growth? Receive 2 Transformational TOOLS and tips per week to support you in drawing out your evolving edge of self-healing, awareness, intuition, and consciousness.
Our approach is to draw out your truth and not stuff in old concepts, to evolve higher and deeper, and to work in the higher realms of the present moment, purpose, the spiritual, purpose, and co-creating.
And where do you keep your leading-edge TOOLS, worksheets, goals, ideal 'Dream Calendar', Life-on-a-Page, daily practices, insights, journals, COFFEE questions/answers, learnings, cheat sheets, and lots more? Create your own Life Planning System to keep track of your daily, weekly, and monthly activities. You now have your own Toolbox of the right tools for the right need that fit your style.
Now, everything in one, 'GO TO' place. Watch and track your growth as it unfolds in leaps and bounds. Print your pages, put them in a binder and you can sit anywhere, inside and outside, and work on your evolution and creations. OR store your results on the cloud and use your Smart Phone or tablet.
Rebuild a solid base for growth as you systematize, synthesize, internalize, spiritualize, idealize, magnetize, and materialize your dreams.
Download Your Starter System Pages and Instructions - Print these core pages, get 5 dividers, put them all in a 3 ring binder, and start recreating your life. Or make your System and Transformational TOOLS available on the cloud. Click the above link to download.
Core pages in your starter system are:
My Personal Dashboard - Daily, get a sense of order, healing, intuition, aspiration, and clear direction - all on-one-page.
My Ideal Dream Calendar - Idealize your day, week, month, and year - all on-one-page. So nothing falls through the cracks.
Happy Dumping Ground - Just Journal Daily - Even if it is one word, a 7-word headline, a paragraph, or more. Draw out your inner wisdom. Uncover the inner power of journal writing. Capture the leading edge of your higher mind.
12 New Transformational TOOLS, tips and more to come as consciousness development TOOLS.
Understand Consciousness and you will Understand your Life. Once you know exactly what consciousness is and how to raise it, you get on the fast train to results, love, and abundance. Download and keep your handy Consciousness Cheat Sheet.
4 Immediate, 'Must Do' core beliefs to change - AMP Up Your WARP Drive. This acronym/process is key to releasing common, hidden, unconscious programs around worthiness, skills, I can't..., if, when, self-acceptance, why me?, etc.
Make your big picture of life simple and memorable - My 3 Step Life Plan - Keep it simple. Organize and Internalize your own 3-word, big picture, long-term plan. Make it moving, memorable, meaningful, and magical.
The 'O' MODEL of Life - We each potentially follow The Circle of Life. From the conditioning in our youth to ego's self-centeredness through a MAGIC point of 100% accountability where you start to develop more power, wisdom, love, and purpose on your journey home.
A Powerful, Simple, Thought Process - A Simple 2-Step Process - New perspectives on how to elevate your awareness so you more easily manifest a better life.
The Most Powerful Minutes of Your Life - My Power Hour - Start with daily 'Magical Minutes' of your best tools that are so magical, you expand them into your ultimate 'Power Hour'. Master the Inner Game of life.
Your daily anchoring - My TOT, CREED, and Intentions - Call it what you want. It works. Activate your RAS and RAP processes. We will show you why and how.
et your mind naturally do the heavy lifting - Synthesizing SCOPER - Many of us are at least 30 to 50% intuitive. This tool will help you separate the wheat from the chaff and bring your best intuitive ideas surface.
Prioritize your top 10 ways you separate yourself from your dreams - Healing Hot List - KNOW THYSELF. We all have dozens of ways we separate ourselves from truth, love, opportunities, authenticity, guidance, and wisdom. Choose from over 200 ways we separate who we are from our Soul. Also our Needs Tree is a 'must use' tool for everyone.
The "A" Healing Model of Life - Your abundance, love, synchronicities, intuition, and guidance, must come THROUGH all your subconscious filters and blocks. So your number one growth step is "Revealing and Healing" your blocks.
Learn more in a few hours than you will in a few weeks - Pet Peeves "Awaken Awareness CARD" - A quick, easy, real time way to capture what blocks you from truth, authenticity, and miracles. Learn more about you in one hour than you will in weeks using other methods.
Keen to Reach Higher and Go Deeper? - Power Journaling and DIY Retreats - A quick review of over 50 Journal Writing tools. Which ones would best for your style and needs.
Most people's number one goals should be wholeness, authenticity, and accountability - Daily Healing Steps - Life is mainly about unlearning, integrating, and healing back to wholeness and the real, authentic you. How to elevate your consciousness and expand your sensitivities.
Not keeping up? Off centre? Stuck? Lost? A Review/Summary Tool - Lets step back and put our new tools into perspective. Which ones will work best for you? Try some of these shortcut journal writing tools.
Watch for more New Ways of Thinking and consciousness development TOOLS for your binder.
Members get access to this and all other Higher Awareness programs. Join us today.
"The more prepared you are, the more spontaneous you can be." --
Sue Paulson